

This is the sister-site of WestlifeNewsPH dedicated to gathering almost about everything American Idol season 7 winner DAVID COOK. Feel free to browse this site and browse from pages to pages! The same things here can be found in our Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr accounts.

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Music review: Rockin' hunk David Cook keeps things honest in his Manila concert

Text and Photos by: Alina R. Co
It was already nine o’ clock and Smart-Araneta Coliseum throbbed with anticipation.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the voice-over said as the fans started screaming. They were, expectedly, mostly female teens and twenty-somethings and, believe it or not, mothers, who either have a thing for the “American Idol” starrer, or who wouldn’t mind having David Cook dead ringers as their sons-in-law.
Unshaven, clad in leather pants, a T-shirt and a vest, an electric guitar hanging across his chest, David Cook sprinted his way to the stage, jolting the crowd with the whimsical “Circadian,” a song lifted from his first eponymous album.
As an “American Idol” fan myself, who, for several seasons had been watching back-to-back replays on Star World with—wait for it—my mom, my dad and all my four brothers and my sister, I am very familiar with Cook’s powerful grunge vocals, his signature rocker “I don’t care” look, and yes, even the sexy way he holds a guitar.
But while some AI winners have become one-hit wonders and have fallen into obscurity, Cook is too tough to give up. He had in fact, recorded two albums since winning the title and is now on an Asian tour to promote his second one entitled “This Loud Morning.” Watching him perform live has got me convinced he’s not stepping out of the limelight anytime soon.  

Belting out ballads

After getting over the shock of seeing  Cook in person and snapping as much pictures as I could, I soon realized my attention was drifting away from the first songs that seemed to sound alike, slowly dissolving into background music in my ears.
But soon, Cook whisked me away in a love song entitled “From Here to Zero.”
With a catchy, almost too sweet tune, Cook sang words that struck emotional strings— “a love song we’ve set for a second look like the flower pressed in your favorite book, by the window sill/we got lost in the passing glance as the winter melted in our hands…” And in every verse, in the one second he stops plucking his acoustic guitar, I found myself holding my breath as he punch-lines, “from here to zero” then starts strumming his guitar again.
“When did all the gold around us rust? Turning all the love we had to dust,” Cook asked in a bittersweet melody. I can easily imagine this song “Goodbye to the Girl” becoming part of a Hollywood rom-com’s soundtrack and the broken-hearted among the audience shedding a tear or two.
In fact, it’s when Cook shows this sensitive side, belting out ballads and tender love songs that he’s got me hooked and mesmerized. His voice, lyrics and acoustic guitar playing are powerful enough to drive his music home.
And you don’t even need to be a diehard Cook fan to appreciate him. Not that his other relatively fast-paced songs like “Paper Heart” and “Hard to Believe” lacked musicality. But in my humble opinion, they were barely standouts, the types when the concert is over and done with, are too forgettable for one to even hum or whistle a tune in the bathroom.

Effortlessly charming

“We love you David,” the girls beside me shrieked. Another fan came prepared with a placard that said “David Cook, sing Blackbird and I’ll give you 30 bucks!”
To this Cook chuckled and gamely sang and played the first verse of the Beatles song then stopped, “That’s all I know but you still owe me 30 bucks.”
He might look tough-as-nails, but he is very much boy-next-door with a charm your lolos (grandfathers) and lolas (grandmothers) will even like.
He laughed, sang, changed guitars (by the way, he did change his guitar every song) and laughed some more. The guy was good-natured, a trait that made him even more endearing, leather-clad, tattooed and all. Indeed, the rugged idol was effortlessly charming.
“And I thought, wow, I’m halfway around the world. To a place I’ve never been before. And all these people are singing songs back to me. It’s very strange and very awesome. So thank you for that,” Cook told the audience, recalling his first concert with David Archuleta in 2009.
“So then our very next show back in the States in Ohio and we played to a capacity room of 800 people. I said man, I can’t wait to go back to Manila,” Cook said.
Some have predicted Cook might turn out like another Bryan Adams, and that his 1990s grunge era style is outdated already. But I think this rockin' hunk has got the pipes, the style, the charm, and the good looks to stay.
After all, there is nothing sexier than a leather-clad, rugged guy who’s not afraid to show his sensitive side. So keep on rocking, David Cook! –KG, GMA News
Credit/Source: GMANetwork.com

David Cook Live in Manila 2012 Concert Aftermath

David Cook Live in Manila 2012
July 14, 2012
Smart Araneta Coliseum.
Here's the aftermath of the show:
Front-act: VFort(8:00pm to 8:30pm)
David Cook set:(9:20pm)
Heroes/ Champagne Supernova
Mr. Sensitive
Last Goodbye
From Here to Zero
Hard To Believe
I Did It For You
The Last Song I'll Write For You
Paper Heart
Come Back To Me
Goodbye To The Girl
Light On
Rock And Roll/Whole Lotta Love
Always Be My Baby(with Yeng Constantino)
Fade Into Me
Rapid Eye Movement
The David Cook Live in Manila concert was brought to us by Dayly Entertainment, LAMC Productions and Rockstar Touring
Credit/Source: ManilaConcertScene (Blogspot)

David Cook holds successful concert at Araneta


'Idol' champ impressed with Jessica Sanchez


MANILA, Philippines – “American Idol” season 7 winner David Cook held a successful concert at the Araneta Coliseum on Saturday.
Thousands of Cook’s fans trooped to the Big Dome in Quezon City to hear the “Idol” winner perform his hits from his second album.
A day before his concert, Cook held a press conference in EDSA Shangri-La where he revealed that he is happy to be back in the country again after he came here with season 7 runner-up David Archuleta in 2009.
“It’s been three years since I’ve been here. This country is incredible and beautiful. In my travels so far, I have yet to find people more inviting and more friendly than [the people] here in the Philippines,” he said.
Cook said he also does not see any reason to stop coming out with good music and concerts for as long as his fans are excited for him to come out.
Aside from this, Cook also talked about the latest season of “Idol,” where Filipino-Mexican-American singer Jessica Sanchez was named as the runner-up.
“The last season of ‘Idol’ I thought was interesting. It’s one of the seasons I ever watched where I couldn’t really get a pulse on what the American public was thinking. It seemed like every week, whoever we thought would go home didn’t go home,” he said.
Cook also shared the moment when he met Sanchez when he performed during one of season 11’s episodes.
“I had a chance to meet Jessica early on. In my experience with the show in the last four years, sometimes we meet contestants who are very sweet and very sincere. Sometimes we meet somebody who’s been through a little bit more so they’re more professional and it’s harder to kinda get to the real person behind it. Jessica is definitely somebody who immediately came off as sincere to me,” he said.
“To hear her sing is ridiculous. She’s so good and what’s scary about it is she’s young. That’s frightening. It’s Archie (David Archulea) territory. Archie was so good at such a young age like how good does that person gonna get? I think of Jessica the same way,” he added.
Cook also believes that Sanchez would be one of the biggest names in the future if given the right projects.
“She’s just really really good. If everything falls in the right place for her, she’s gonna be one of those contestants where years from now and people are talking about Idol’s success stories, I think she’ll be on that list,” he said.
After his Manila concert, Cook is set to perform again at the Waterfront Hotel in Cebu on Sunday night.
Credit/Source: ABS-CBNnews.com

David Cook On First Manila Visit: ‘I Almost Got Force-Fed Balut’

David Cook, “American Idol” Season 7 champ, has a lot of fond memories of his first Manila visit.
“Ah, I almost got force-fed balut, which was fun,” he tells Bulletin Entertainment with a smile during the pocket interview after the presscon for the “David Cook Live In Manila” concert this weekend. “I couldn’t do it, though,” he admits.
Three years since that first trip—and hopefully with newfound nerves of steel to face off with the Philippine delicacy we love to foist on our foreign visitors—David still talks about the Manila show he’s done with David Archuleta in May 2009 with such warmth.
“That was far and away the largest crowd we’ve had a chance to play for. I think it was, I’d heard a hundred thousand, a hundred fifteen thousand; it was a lot, whatever it was,” he points out.
And it is because of this fondness he has for the country that he notes, “I think the Philippines gets undersold. It’s a very beautiful country; there’s so many beautiful things about this country. And the people here are so nice and so accommodating. I definitely enjoy coming around here.”
David and his companions never got the chance to go around much during their first visit. “We were a little secluded last time we were here. I would love to get lost in this country for a while and just kind of see the sights,” he says now.
But with a show on Saturday, July 14, at the Smart Araneta Coliseum and another one at the Cebu Waterfront Hotel the following day, time isn’t on David’s side for a little R&R. “Unfortunately this time, the trip is so fast; I don’t know if we’ll have a whole lot of time… But I guess I just have to schedule a vacation out here at some point,” he says.
CREDIT/SOURCE: Annie S. Alejo | Manila Bulletin

David Cook EXCLUSIVE Interview!

by Jeman Villanueva 
July 13, 2012 - 3:07 pm
David Cook is here in Manila for a series of concert and we had chance to interview the American Idol Season 7 grand winner.
Here’s our EXCLUSIVE interview with David Cook:
Orange Magazine TV: Hi David Cook, mabuhay from the Philippines and congratulations on your new concert.
David Cook: Thank you and I’m excited to be back. I think three years took a lot of time. We were able to come out in 2009 and play still on one of the most incredible concerts that I have ever been a part of. The crowd was massive and wild. The whole experience was incredible. So I’m really excited and thrilled to get back and play these new songs and as well as some of old ones for the Filipino contingent.
Orange Magazine TV: That’s nice. Do you have any unforgettable memories of your first visit in the Philippines?
David Cook: Honestly, the whole thing (experience) and (until) to this day when I talk to friends and ask me, you know, what was the best show you played or the best concert I have been a part of – that manila show is absolutely at the top, consistent and in fact, on my phone I still have pictures- somebody took a picture on a top of a building of the entire crowd and the stage. You can see how small the stage is. It’s humbling beyond comprehension and so, really the whole thing and that was my first real trip, you know, on the other side of the earth.
Orange Magazine TV: Do you still get in touch with David Archuleta?
David Cook: Uhm, you know, it’s been a while. Archie (David Archuleta’s nickname) just went on his two-year mission a few months back and I just haven’t got a chance to talk to him since then. But before that, you know, we did stay in a pretty steady contact… and a lot of us in Season 7, I think we all had a good year and everybody got along with each other and so, to this day, we still talk to each other as a group and just awesome. I love this guy and I’m so glad that I got to experience it with him.
Orange Magazine TV: Have you heard about David Archuleta doing some TV stint here in the Philippines?
David Cook: Yeah, I did hear about it. I was super, super happy for him. I know he was really excited about doing it. Uhm, yeah, from what I hear he did pretty well.
Orange Magazine TV: So the question is, can we expect to see David Cook doing the same thing?
David Cook: Uhm, you know, if the right role came across with the right time, yeah, I would be into it and it’s the music that has always been kinda works for me and as long I can keep playing music and it’s an opportunity to come along and excite me and I will do it.
Orange Magazine TV: How about a musical like the Rock of Ages?
David Cook: Uhm, again, maybe, I think it all in the good descriptive, so just let me know.
Orange Magazine TV: I asked some of your fans on twitter and some of them are interesting like this one, fans are raving about your new songs: Take Me As I Am, and From Hero To Zero. Can you tell us something about these two songs?
David Cook: Take Me As I Am actually is a song from a record I put up last year. The record is called This Loud Morning. That song actually was written, worked with Mark Dobson and Scott Stevens — two guys who I had a blast working with, definitely very cool guys. The song itself just came out very organically and it started making stronger basic chord construction for the band and to get it quickly. Definitely, it’s very hard to pull off live though it’s been a lot of fun when I able to.
The other song, From Hero To Zero is actually one of the batch of new songs that I’ve been working on the tour, third record. I wrote that song (—). Definitely a departure for me. I think, you know, I checked the background. It’s like the 90′s grunge rock and alternative and… I felt like a good loud (and) distorted guitar. So, to the previous records and for the new stuffs, I really want to sit back on melody a little bit and try to carve down and try something a little bit bigger and From Zero to Hero, definitely kinda adheres to that. It’s a softer song but it still feels like it carries a lot of emotion that I look for in any song that I write and try to perform live. So I had imagined that it’s gonna be a song that people are gonna hear when we come out to the Philippines.
Orange Magazine TV: Can we expect for you to perform that here in the Philippines?
David Cook: Uhm, yeah. In fact, I think we just sent out the tentative solos today and I think that’s song is on. I think I’m already giving away a one new song.
Orange Magazine TV: Do you still include Always Be My Baby in your set list or are you tired singing that already?
David Cook: On very rare occasions. I have no problem singing it. I think it’s a song that’s definitely seems resonates more in Asia so I’d be surprised if we didn’t play it. It’s a song that can bring out once in a while.
Orange Magazine TV: If you were given an offer to judge in a singing competition like American Idol, would you accept it?
David Cook: Sure. Maybe. It would have to be the right show. Uhm, you know, what I didn’t want to do is go judge on a show that is not really about the contestants but about the judges. You know, I think it’s like more of these reality singing competitions that kinda intervene and it becomes really harder to differentiate between the two so for me, if I were gonna do that to be a part of the show where the audience or the viewing public of the like can really get to know the contestants and become emotionally connected to those contestants because that’s where I have been in American Idol- with being able make a connection with the people on TV and the audience. And, I feel like, that some of us should got to hear that as well.
Orange Magazine TV: Is it okay if I ask questions about American Idol?
David Cook: Oh, of course. Ask away!
Orange Magazine TV: How do you feel that some critics are saying that it’s becoming a trend in American Idol that the winners are always the white guys playing the guitars?
David Cook: Uhm, I mean yeah. They are facing a trend but I think it looks like, you know, the contestants and the winner are decided by the people. the people who are calling in and voting are the one whose responsible for these winnings. The only thing that I can say is that if that isn’t the people want then they won’t vote for it. Otherwise, the problem is kinda from the one who votes, I guess.
Orange Magazine TV: Can you plug your album and promote your concert?
David Cook: We have a record out called This Loud Morning, definitely the largest undertaking in music that I have a part of as far as making records. And as a result, I think, (it is) definitely a record that I’m extremely proud of and I’m very excited to take it out and play these songs for people. And so, yeah, we’re gonna come and play these songs for you guys on July 14th at the Araneta Coliseum in Manila and July 15th at the Waterfront Hotel and Casino in Cebu. So, definitely, everybody come out and you’ll have a good time.
Orange Magazine TV: Last question David, any plans of releasing a new album?
David Cook: We are writing the new materials as we speak and (hope that it will be released) the sooner the better. And I promised my fans that I’m working as hard as I possibly can to make sure I will put this record and will not take three years.
Orange Magazine TV: Okay, thank you very much David, it was a pleasure talking to you. See you on your concert!
David Cook: Likewise. Thank you so much. Absolutely, see you. Bye.
Credit/Source: orangemagazinetv.com

What's Cooking, David?

CONVERSATIONS With Ricky Lo The Philippine Star Updated July 08, 2012 12:00 AM
When David Cook, winner of the American Idol seventh season, was here in 2009 for a back-to-back concert with his namesake, David Archuleta (also the AI runner-up that same season), he looked very sad and it was because he was grieving for his brother Adam who succumbed to brain cancer barely a month earlier.
During a one-on-one, David seemed “out of tune,” so to speak, but it was understandable considering the emotional load he was carrying then.
“It’s good that I had my music as outlet for negative energy,” David confessed during an exclusive phone Conversation recently. “It served as an effective therapy.”
Out of that dark period in David’s life came This Loud Morning (released locally by Ivory/Sony Music), a follow-up to his eponymous debut album. Describing the circumstances around the making of that album, David said, “I got off the road and all the things that happened that I hadn’t been dealing with while I was on the road reared their head. So as I began writing the songs that would eventually make up the album, the act of using them as therapeutic outlets became a major release for me, and I think the end result is a bit of up, a bit of down, and a lot of honesty.”
Included in the album is The Time of My Life, which was David’s winning song in the 2008 American Idol Songwriter’s Competition and which he will surely sing during his concert at the Smart Araneta Coliseum on July 14 and at Waterfront Hotel in Cebu City on July 15.
“Music has always been my life,” added David who first played a guitar at age 12 and formed his first band at 15.
You were in the Philippines in 2009 for the first time. How have you been since then?
“Yeah, that’s been a while. I’m very excited to get back.”
I’m glad to hear you sounding much more upbeat than you were the last time I talked to you.
“Absolutely! I think, you know, I’ve got more time to become more mature since American Idol which was four years ago. I’ve got more comfortable in my own skin and I really do feel like that that confidence comes through in my music. So there’s all the more reason to be excited about and meet my fans in the Philippines again and kind of show them how I have grown as an artist and how we’ve grown as a band.”
You were with your namesake, David Archuleta, when you came to the Philippines in 2009. David has been here thrice after that. He did a solo show, recorded an album and starred in a soap (Nandito Ako for TV5). Would you like to try some acting like your namesake?
(Laughs) “I don’t have any experience in acting. But then, for me it’s just the right thing at the right time. If the right offer came at the right time, uhm, yeah maybe I would give it a try.”
What if the right offer came at the right time while you are in the Philippines, would you bite?
(Laughs some more) “Well, if the right offer came along at the right time, I guess I might do it Manila.”
And, of course, if the price is right?
(Laughs all the more) “I’ll have some people handle that.”
You mentioned American Idol. Did you watch the recent (11th) American Idol closely?
“Oh yes, I did.”
It was a close competition between Phillip Phillips (the winner) and Jessica Sanchez (second placer, photo), wasn’t it?
“Absolutely! It was a close competition. They are two very different artists and very different performers. Hmmmm, it’s an overused line and I’m hesitant to use it but I really can’t think of anything else to say about Jessica. I really think that girl can sing anything and make it sound incredible. So, you know, to watch her was a lot of fun. I have been through that experience so I know how it felt.”
How would you like to do a duet or a concert with Jessica?
“I’d love to, absolutely! She’d be a really tough act to follow but yes, absolutely, I’d love to do a duet or a concert with her. That would be challenging.”
If and when, what kind of song would you like to do with Jessica, maybe one of your songs from your album This Loud Morning?
“Oh wow! I would refer to her…whatever she wants to sing.”
When you watch American Idol, what comes to your mind?
“Uhm, watching the show now I think I have a lot more empathy for the contestants. There’s just so many things to do, so many activities to attend to that sleep is really a luxury. When I watch the show, I would ask myself, ‘Are these guys getting enough sleep?’ You know. ‘Are they sick?’ You know.” (Note: Phillip Phillips was suffering from a kidney ailment throughout the season. He underwent surgery days after the show ended.)
Of course, American Idol did a lot to you. You’re big time now. I wonder, did you have to sacrifice anything for it? Did you put anything on hold?
“Yeah, I kind of put my life on hold. I just finished recording my second kind of indie record. I had just received a job offer to do graphic design for an arts and entertainment magazine during my second audition for American Idol and they told me that they couldn’t hire me if I couldn’t be around so I turned down the offer.”
Could you tell us more about your indie album?
“It’s a follow-up to This Loud Morning which was released just a year ago. I had a lot of fun with that album and I’m moving forward with new material.”
What keeps you busy between recording and concerts? How do you spend your free time?
“You know, I’ve just moved to Tennessee from L.A. where I lived for four years, so I’ve been busy unpacking boxes and boxes. Then, I’m off to the studio to start working again.”
How are you different now that you’re coming back to Manila from how you were in 2009?
“I think the first time I came out there I was kind of exhausted and emotionally devastated. If I remember right, I went there right after my (older) brother died (of brain cancer). So I was a bit mixed-up. I think now, I’ve recovered from that tragedy although I know that you don’t really completely recover from it; you just have to learn to live with it. That sad feeling doesn’t really go away.”
Having lost a loved one recently, I know how it feels. I wonder, how did you survive the grieving process?
“I think everybody deals with it differently, I’m sure you can attest to that. I think for me, I was fortunate that I had music so I was able to take out that negative energy through a positive outlet, which is my music. My second album, This Loud Morning, was a very therapeutic process for me.”
(Note: Ticket prices to David Cook’s concert are [Smart Araneta Coliseum] P4,500 Patron VIP; P3,500 Patron; P3,500 Lower Box VIP; P3,000 Lower Box; P2,500 Upper Box A; P1,000 Upper Box B; and P500 General Admission…and [for Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City] P4,000 SVIP; P3,500 VIP; P3,000 Gold; P2,000 Silver; P1,000 Bronze; P1,500 SP Balcony; and P700 Balcony]. Call Ticketnet at 911-5555 [Manila] or 232-6888 or 514-3500 [Cebu]. David’s album This Loud Morning is available nationwide at P430, from Ivory Music & Video, the exclusive licensee of Sony Music in the Philippines.)
Credit/Source: philstar.com/funfare

Sophisticated Lyrics Show David Cook’s Not Just an ‘Idol’ Star

Katrin Figge | June 27, 2012
Having played in a variety of bands since he was 15 and with several studio albums already under his belt, Cook knew just how hard it could be to break through in the tough business. And he didn’t know how long he could keep at it.American rock singer David Cook, who will perform in Jakarta on July 17, was hardly a music-industry rookie when he became a contestant in the seventh season of “American Idol.” 
Having played in a variety of bands since he was 15 and with several studio albums already under his belt, Cook knew just how hard it could be to break through in the tough business. And he didn’t know how long he could keep at it. 
“I just want to give myself until I’m 26 years old to get a job,” he reportedly told his mother at one point. 
When he accompanied his younger brother to the latter’s audition for “American Idol” in Omaha, Nebraska, the then 26-year-old learned that sometimes, all you need is a little bit of luck. 
His brother didn’t pass the auditions, and instead convinced Cook to try out himself. Even though he hadn’t initially planned to enter “American Idol,” Cook eventually agreed — and the rest, as they say, is history. Others might call it destiny. 
Throughout his “Idol” run, Cook — who cites Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Big Wreck, Our Lady Peace and Chris Cornell as some his biggest musical influences — earned a reputation for putting a new twist on R&B and pop songs by turning them into rock ballads, including Lionel Richie’s “Hello” and a post-grunge version of Mariah Carey’s “Always Be My Baby.” 
In May 2008, Cook was crowned the new American Idol, beating 17-year-old David Archuleta in the final. The result surprised many critics. 
The victory was a kick-start for his career, and his self-titled solo album swiftly made it to the top of the charts. 
But while his music career took off, Cook suffered a great personal loss. His older brother, Adam, who had been fighting brain cancer for 11 years, died. 
The tragedy was reflected in his sophomore album, “This Loud Morning,” released in June 2011. 
In an interview posted on his official website, Cook said: “I got off the road and all the things that happened that I hadn’t been dealing with while I was on the road reared their heads. 
“So I began writing these songs that would eventually make up ‘This Loud Morning.’ The act of using these songs as therapeutic outlets became a major release for me, and I think the end result is a bit of up, a bit of down, and a lot of honesty.” 
Produced by Matt Serletic, who had previously worked with music greats such as Willie Nelson, Aerosmith and former Matchbox 20 frontman Rob Thomas, Cook’s latest effort received positive reviews with many of the critics praising the singer’s more mature sound. 
Music magazine American Songwriter wrote: “ ‘[This Loud] Morning’ has a much more artistic vibe combined with a rawness evident in Cook’s vocal performances not found on his previous Rob Cavallo-produced release. 
“The album includes balanced amounts of strings, piano and crunchy guitar, which all suit this more mature-sounding material. 
“Cook’s more-developed lyrics, melodic structures [he co-wrote all 12 tracks], and grittier vocal performances throughout the album abundantly display his overall growth as an artist.” 
Despite the album’s success, Cook, now aged 29, took his time to get back on tour. He says he’s ready to face crowds and share with them the songs that bare a part of his soul. “I can’t wait to get on a stage, look people in the eye and see their reaction, whatever it may be,” he said. “Hopefully it’ll be hands in the air and singing all the words.”
David Cook
Credit/Source: thejakartaglobe.com

David Cook, Chord Overstreet, Haley Reinhart & More to Play Celebrity Softball Game

American Idol alums, Haley Reinhart and David Cook, Glee Star Chord Overstreet and many more celebrities from  the music, TV and sports worlds will be suiting up to play in the Taco Bell All Star Legends & Celebrity Softball game on ESPN.  The game takes place on July 8th at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, MO.
The  game will be televised by ESPN at approximately 10:30 p.m. ET immediately following the State Farm Home Run Derby which begins at 8:00 p.m. ET on Monday, July 9th. Set your DVRs accordingly!
Read the MLB press release below:
The 2012 Taco Bell All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game on ESPN will feature star-studded talent from music, television and sports alongside former Kansas City Royals greats and Baseball Hall of Famers on July 8th at Kauffman Stadium.
“Modern Family” Emmy Award winner and Kansas City native Eric Stonestreet; Chiefs quarterback Matt Cassel; and University of Kansas Men’s Basketball Head Coach Bill Self are scheduled to participate alongside Golden Globe winner and “Mad Men” star Jon Hamm; Chord Overstreet from “Glee”; American Idol contestant Haley Reinhart; “Desperate Housewives” actor James Denton; captain of the US National Soccer team Carlos Bocanegra; actor and comedian Horatio Sanz; country music artist David Nail; American Idol winner, David Cook, who used to work at the Stadium Club in Kauffman Stadium; reigning UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jon “Bones” Jones; Paul Dimeo from “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition”; and USA Softball’s Gold Medalist hurler Jennie Finch.
Past MLB stars also are schedule to participate, including former Royals greats George Brett, Bo Jackson and Mike Sweeney plus Hall of Famers Ernie Banks, Andre Dawson, Rollie Fingers, Rickey Henderson, Ozzie Smith and Dave Winfield as well as perennial All-Stars Joe Carter and Mike Piazza.
The Taco Bell All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game features Major League Baseball legends with celebrities from TV, movies and music, and is the second game of a fun doubleheader of activity at Kauffman Stadium during Taco Bell All-Star Sunday.  Preceding the softball game will be the SiriusXM All-Star Futures Game at 5:00 p.m. Eastern, featuring some of MLB’s best young prospects from the U.S. and around the world.  Current Royals players Eric Hosmer, Billy Butler and Alex Gordon are among the many young stars in baseball who have played in this game, including Justin Verlander, Prince Fielder and Joey Votto.
Following the softball game, the skies above Kauffman Stadium will be lit by a spectacular fireworks show to cap off Taco Bell All-Star Sunday.
The Taco Bell All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game will be televised by ESPN at approximately 10:30 p.m. Eastern immediately following the State Farm Home Run Derby which begins at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on Monday, July 9th. The Game will also be available on ESPN3.com, ESPN Mobile TV and via the WatchESPN app.
For more information, go to www.allstargame.com
Credit/Source: mjsbigblog.com

David Cook and Haley Reinhart to Play in Celeb Softball Game

Season 7 winner David Cook and Season 10 star Haley Reinhart join Major League Baseball on July 9 for the Taco Bell All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game, which features MLB legends taking the field with top celebrities. The game will take place on July 8th at the Royals' Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, MO, where David Cook actually worked before Idol! You can watch the game on ESPN.
Here are the fun facts that David and Haley listed in their celebrity softball bios:


-Favorite team is the Kansas City Royals
-Favorite players are George Brett, Buck O’Neil, Greg Maddux, Nolan Ryan
-Grew up playing baseball in Blue Springs, MO
-Won the 7th Season of American Idol
-Worked in the suites department and in the stadium club for the Kansas City Royals


-Favorite team is the Chicago White Sox
-Favorite players include Paul Konerko, Frank Thomas, Joe Crede & A.J. Pierzynski
-Haley grew up throwing the ball around with her dad.
-Went to White Sox games all the time
-Played softball for two years in high school, but it has been awhile...
-Her debut album Listen Up! just came out last month and is available on iTunes.
Also participating in the game is Hall of Famer Ozzie Smith, father to Season 4 finalist Nikko Smith. Ozzie played for the San Diego Padres and spent most of his career playing for the St. Louis Cardinals.
Good luck and batter up!
Credit/Source: AmericanIdol.com

Jon Hamm, David Cook Set for MLB All-Star Celebrity Softball Game

by Jason M. Vaughn



KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Stars from the worlds from music, television and sports will join former Kansas City Royals greats and Baseball Hall of Famers for the 2012 Taco Bell All-Star Legends and Celebrity Softball Game.
The game is part of MLB All-Star Game festivities, and will be on July 8th at Kauffman Stadium.
“Modern Family” Emmy Award winner and Kansas City native Eric Stonestreet; Chiefs quarterback Matt Cassel; and University of Kansas Men’s Basketball Head Coach Bill Self are scheduled to participate alongside Golden Globe winner and “Mad Men” star Jon Hamm; Chord Overstreet from “Glee”; American Idol contestant Haley Reinhart; “Desperate Housewives” actor James Denton; captain of the US National Soccer team Carlos Bocanegra; actor and comedian Horatio Sanz; country music artist David Nail; American Idol winner, David Cook, who used to work at the Stadium Club in Kauffman Stadium; reigning UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jon “Bones” Jones; Paul Dimeo from “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition”; and USA Softball’s Gold Medalist hurler Jennie Finch.
Past MLB stars also are schedule to participate, including former Royals greats George Brett, Bo Jackson and Mike Sweeney plus Hall of Famers Ernie Banks, Andre Dawson, Rollie Fingers, Rickey Henderson, Ozzie Smith and Dave Winfield as well as perennial All-Stars Joe Carter and Mike Piazza.
The Taco Bell All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game features Major League Baseball legends with celebrities from TV, movies and music, and is the second game of a fun doubleheader of activity at Kauffman Stadium during Taco Bell All-Star Sunday.  Preceding the softball game will be the SiriusXM All-Star Futures Game at 5:00 p.m. Eastern, featuring some of MLB’s best young prospects from the U.S. and around the world.  Current Royals players Eric Hosmer, Billy Butler and Alex Gordon are among the many young stars in baseball who have played in this game, including Justin Verlander, Prince Fielder and Joey Votto.
Following the softball game, the skies above Kauffman Stadium will be lit by a spectacular fireworks show to cap off Taco Bell All-Star Sunday.
The Taco Bell All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game will be televised by ESPN at approximately 10:30 p.m. Eastern immediately following the State Farm Home Run Derby which begins at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on Monday, July 9th. The Game will also be available on ESPN3.com, ESPN Mobile TV and via the WatchESPN app.
The 2012 MLB All-Star Game can be seen live on FOX 4 on July 10th at 7:00 p.m.
Credit/Source: fox4kc.com

(COVERS) DAVID COOK & LIFEHOUSE at Latest Issue of MOST WANTED HITS For June July 2012

It’s DAVID COOK and LIFEHOUSE for our back-to-back covers this month!
It’s been 4 years since David Cook sang that unforgettable rendition of Mariah Carey’s hit, “Always Be My Baby,” at the Season 7 of American Idol. It was that song that placed him on the map and propelled him to international popularity. It was his impressive arrangement of that popular hit that proved, without doubt, his talent as an artist.
David’s concert in Manila was well received and will forever be etched in the memories of his Filipino fans. For years, his Filipino fans had continuously yearned to hear him sing, once more. Heeding popular request, Dayly Entertainment in cooperation with LAMC Productions and Rockstar Touring will bring the enigmatic rock singer back to Manila, and Cebu, for the first time. David Cook Live in Manila on July 14, 2012 at the Smart Araneta Coliseum and Live in Cebu on July 15, 2012 at Cebu Waterfront Hotel.
Also you can check out our EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with LIFEHOUSE as they recently  rocked the country for the second time with their concert last May 26, 2012, held at the Smart Araneta Coliseum. We were so lucky to have been given the chance to interview them at the Marriott Hotel two days before they were set to hit the stage for their big night.
Inside, we have  GOTYE’s Making Mirrors and FUN’s Some Nights as our albums of the month. Plus pin-up posters of David Archuleta and One Direction, too! All the newest and hottest chorded singles that you can’t find anywhere else!
These and just a few of the new things dropping this month’s issue of MOST WANTED HITS song magazine. So pick up a copy when you see it starting this June 21 at 7/11, Filbars, Book Sale, Shell Select, National Bookstore, Odyssey record bars, leading newsstands, bookstores and supermarkets nationwide.
For more updates, visit MWH on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.
Credit/Source: rodmagaru.com

Video: Carrie Underwood, David Cook on Yahoo! Sports’ top 5 “American Idol” NBA Finals National Anthem performances

by: brandy




As previously reported, Season 11 “American Idol” runner-up Jessica Sanchez delivered an absolutely beautiful rendition of the National Anthem Tuesday night prior to Game 1 of the NBA Finals series pitting the Oklahoma City Thunder vs. the Miami Heat.
Sanchez, 16, joins a long list of “Idol” winners or finalists to perform “The Star-Spangled Banner” during the NBA Finals. Yahoo! Sports today listed its top five “Idol” anthem performances on professional basketball’s brightest stage.
The two winners with Oklahoma ties – Checotah native Carrie Underwood and former Tulsa David Cook – both made the list, and I’ve posted videos of their “Banner” performances here. They performed the anthem at the NBA Finals in the weeks after they won “Idol” in 2005 for Underwood and 2008 for Cook, so these videos are quite a blast from the past.
Other “Idols” listed were Kris Allen, Jordin Sparks and Kelly Clarkson.
Credit/Source: blog.newsok.com

Happy 10th Birthday, ‘American Idol’!

Ten years ago this week, a little television show called "American Idol" (perhaps you've heard of it?) premiered on Fox. Since then, the "AI" empire has spawned dozens of chart-making pop stars, hundreds of watercooler moments, millions in record sales, and has taken up probably thousands of hours of my life. So thanks, Fox!
To celebrate the show's big double-digit birthday, I'm dusting off and updating my list of my top 10 "Idol" performances ever. What are yours? Feel free to nominate your favorites on the message board below...
10) Casey James - "Jealous Guy"
9) Jason Castro - "Hallelujah"
8) Joshua Ledet - "It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World"
8) Bo Bice - "Whipping Post"
6) Kris Allen - "Heartless"
5) Kelly Clarkson - "Natural Woman"

4) David Cook - "Hello"

Before Cook came along, "Idol" was considered a glorified karaoke competition by naysayers. Sure, many of the show's singers delivered fabulous vocals, but usually they did nothing new with their songs. And then there was David. He pretty much changed everything, proving there was a real art to cover songs that went way beyond just singing the words as capably as the original artists had. "Idol" has been Cookified ever since.

3) Fantasia - "Summertime"
2) Blake Lewis - "You Give Love A Bad Name"
1) Adam Lambert - "Ring Of Fire"
Allison Iraheta - "Cry Baby"
Brooke White - "Love Is A Battlefield"
Casey Abrams - "I Put A Spell On You"
Chikezie - "She's A Woman"
Colton Dixon - "Piano Man"
Crystal Bowersox - "I'm Alright"
Haley Reinhart - "House Of The Rising Sun"
James Durbin - "You Got Another Thing Comin'"
Jennifer Hudson - "Circle Of Life"
Josiah Leming - "Grace Kelly"
Lilly Scott - "Fixing A Hole"
Norman Gentle - "And I Am Telling You"
Paul McDonald - "Maggie Mae"
Phillip Phillips - "Volcano"
Siobhan Magnus - "Paint It Black"
Credit/Source: Yahoo! Music


'American Idol' Tenth Anniversary: 345 Billboard No. 1s, From Kelly Clarkson to Phillip Phillips

Today, June 11, 2012, marks the tenth anniversary of "American Idol," and in that time the music competition TV program has racked up some jaw-dropping numbers: Many episodes have drawn over 30 million viewers; and a record-setting number of 132 million votes were cast for the most recent season finale. But the impressive numbers aren't just restricted to viewers and votes, they also apply to the Billboard charts, where the Idols have earned an astonishing 345 No. 1s (including four new ones in the current chart just this week) across the broad array of tallies compiled every week in different musical genres. Those 345 titles have spent an aggregate 1,142 weeks in pole position.
The 345 Idol No. 1s are spread among 29 Idol finalists (see below) and one non-finalist (William Hung, whose "Inspiration" led the Top Independent Albums chart for two weeks in 2004). Just five Idols are responsible for almost two-thirds of the 345 chart-toppers. First season winner Kelly Clarkson has 73 No. 1s, followed by Carrie Underwood (62), Daughtry (featuring Chris Daughtry from season five) (38), Fantasia (31) and Ruben Studdard (16). 
One reason that the Idols have been able to amass 345 No. 1s is that they have been successful in many different genres. Season two's Josh Gracin was the first to have a No. 1 on a country chart, followed by Underwood, Kellie Pickler, Bucky Covington, Clarkson and Scotty McCreery. Lauren Alaina, Danny Gokey, Casey James, Kristy Lee Cook and Michael Sarver have also appeared on the country charts. 
On the R&B surveys, Studdard and Fantasia are not the only Idols to secure berths at No. 1. They have been joined by Tamyra Gray, Jordin Sparks and Jennifer Hudson.
Idols who have reached No. 1 on the Christian charts include Clay Aiken, Mandisa, Chris Sligh, Jason Castro, Kris Allen and Underwood. 
Kimberley Locke was the first Idol to reach No. 1 on the dance charts, followed by Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson, Jordin Sparks, Blake Lewis and Adam Lambert. 
The Adult Contemporary and Adult Top 40 charts have also been dominated by Idols. Clarkson was the first to top charts in both formats, followed by Daughtry. Locke has three AC No. 1s, all with holiday songs. Underwood has also topped the AC charts, along with Elliott Yamin, David Cook, Sparks and David Archuleta, while Allen and Lambert have reigned on the Adult Top 40 charts. 
In an unbroken string dating back to season one, which premiered on Fox-TV 10 years ago tonight, every Idol winner (see list below)  has had at least one No. 1 on the Billboard charts, from Clarkson to Phillip Phillips, winner of season 11. His version of  "Home" debuted on top of the Rock Digital Songs chart two weeks ago.
Season nine champ Lee DeWyze led that same list with his cover of U2's "Beautiful Day." Season seven victor David Cook has eight No. 1s to his credit. His longest reign: 15 weeks on top of the Adult Contemporary chart in 2008 with "The Time Of My Life." Season 10 winner Scotty McCreery has already earned seven No. 1s, with his album "Clear As Day" having the longest run - six weeks in first place on Top Country Albums. Season six champ Jordin Sparks also has seven No. 1s, including her duet with Chris Brown on "No Air," which topped four different charts. 
Season eight winner Kris Allen has four No. 1s to date, with just two of them giving him a combined total of 48 weeks on top. His single "Live Like We're Dying" was a pop hit but it also had 24-week reigns on both Christian Digital Songs and Christian/Gospel Digital Songs. Season five champ Taylor Hicks has three Billboard No. 1s. His coronation song, "Do I Make You Proud," ruled the Hot Singles Sales chart for nine weeks. 
Among Fantasia's 31 No. 1s, the longest run belongs to a single from her debut album. "Truth Is" spent 13 weeks on top of the Adult R&B chart, as well as its companion Adult R&B Audience tally. Ruben Studdard's 16 No. 1s include his longest-lasting: his third album, "I Need An Angel," crowned the Top Gospel Albums chart for nine weeks in 2004-05. 
Kelly Clarkson's single "Breakaway" is the third longest-running Idol No. 1, with a 28-week rule on Adult Contemporary Audience (and a 21-week reign on the Adult Contemporary list). The longest-running Idol No. 1 (see list below) belongs to Carrie Underwood. Her first album, "Some Hearts," was No. 1 for 27 weeks on Top Country Albums, then set the record by leading the Top Country Catalog Albums chart for 41 weeks. 
There have been other Idol chart achievements over the last decade. Cook holds the record for the most debuts by an Idol on one chart, when 11 of his songs entered the Hot 100 the week of June 7, 2008, led by "The Time Of My Life," which debuted and peaked at No. 3. Phillips came close two weeks ago, when he had 10 titles enter the Rock Digital Songs chart, led by "Home," which began its chart life at No. 1. 
Just 12 weeks after season 2's Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken visited the Billboard office in Los Angeles on April 4, 2003 to find out how the charts are compiled, they made Hot 100 history. On the tally dated June 28, 2003, the top two finalists had the chart's top two debuts, at No. 1 and No. 2. It was the first time in the then almost 45-year tenure of the Hot 100 that the top two positions were both new entries. In a reversal of how they finished on the show, Aiken's original "This Is The Night" claimed first place and Studdard's cover of Westlife's "Flying Without Wings" was the runner-up. Studdard made more chart history that week on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles and Tracks survey, where the B-side of "Flying Without Wings," a remake of the Leon Russell-Delaney Bramlett-Bonnie Bramlett composition "Superstar," leaped 61-2, the biggest move into the top five since the chart was first compiled with sales and airplay data from NielsenSoundScan and Nielsen BDS in 1992. 
Clarkson has made chart news twice with leaps to No. 1. Her first single, "A Moment Like This," made a 52-1 leap the week of Oct. 5, 2002, breaking a 38-year-old record set when the Beatles' "Can't Buy Me Love" rocketed 27-1 on April 4, 1964. Clarkson still owns the record for the biggest jump to No. 1, set the week of Feb. 7, 2009, when "My Life Would Suck Without You" soared 97-1. Clarkson also rewrote chart history in 2005, when her "Breakaway" album hit its 52nd week on The Billboard 200. It became the first title in five years to spend every one of its first 52 weeks on the chart in the top 20. 
While most Idols appear on the Billboard charts within a few days, weeks or months after the end of their season, there have also been Idols who have charted years after their time on the series. Kimberly Caldwell competed in season two back in 2003 and made her chart debut the week of Feb. 12, 2011, when her single "Desperate Girls and Stupid Boys" entered the Hot Dance Club Play chart. Leah LaBelle was a top 12 contestant in season three and first appeared on a Billboard chart last month with "Sexify," which bubbled under Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs three weeks before debuting on the main chart. Season six finalist Chris Richardson had a slightly shorter wait; he was on the show in 2007 and made his chart debut in June 2011 as the featured vocalist on Tyga's "Far Away." That single charted Rap and R&B/Hip-Hop. 
Since the debut of "American Idol" 10 years ago today, 64 Idol finalists have garnered Billboard chart ink (see list below). Five more non-finalists have charted, starting with Hung. The others: Josiah Leming, Frenchie Davis, Chris Medina and most recently, season 11's Johnny Keyser. Then there is one non-finalist, non-contestant who went as high as No. 46 on the Hot 100 and an even higher No. 22 on Hot Digital Songs. At age 62, General Larry Platt showed up at the Atlanta auditions during season nine and charmed the judges with his anti-sagging song "Pants on the Ground." Simon Cowell had to break the news to Platt that he was too old to compete on "Idol," but presciently said, "I have a horrible feeling that song could be a hit." "Pants on the Ground" has over 8.5 million YouTube views to date, another big number in Idol history. 
As the series begins its second decade on the air, the Idols will also begin their second decades of charting, starting with Clarkson this September. There's no sign that the series' chart onslaught will slow down. Katharine McPhee's "Touch Me," a song she performed on NBC-TV'S "Smash," is No. 12 and moving up on the Hot Dance Club Play chart; Jordin Sparks' new single, "Celebrate," is a duet with the late Whitney Houston from their forthcoming film "Sparkle" and Phillip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez will have new releases competing for pole position. And six months from now, we'll be meeting the season 12 contestants who will be vying for the crown - and the chance to see their names on the Billboard charts.

American Idol No. 1s by contestant 

Kelly Clarkson 73 
Carrie Underwood 62 
Chris Daughtry (Daughtry) 38 
Fantasia 31 
Ruben Studdard 16 
Jennifer Hudson 15 
Mandisa 15 
Clay Aiken 12 
Adam Lambert 9 
David Cook 8 
Kimberley Locke 8 
Scotty McCreery 7 
Josh Gracin 7 
Jordin Sparks 7 
Kris Allen 4 
David Archuleta 4 
Kellie Pickler 4 
Elliott Yamin 4 
Taylor Hicks 3 
American Idol Finalists 2 
Bo Bice 2 
Jason Castro 2 
Bucky Covington 2 
Blake Lewis 2 
Chris Sligh 2 
Paris Bennett 1 
Diana DeGarmo 1 
Lee DeWyze 1 
Tamyra Gray 1 
Phillip Phillips 1 
William Hung 1


41 weeks: "Some Hearts," Carrie Underwood (2008) Top Country Catalog Albums 
35 weeks: "Inside Your Heaven," Carrie Underwood (2005) Hot Country Singles Sales 
28 weeks: "Breakaway," Kelly Clarkson (2005) Adult Contemporary Audience 
27 weeks: "Some Hearts," Carrie Underwood (2005) Top Country Albums 
24 weeks: "Live Like We're Dying," Kris Allen (2010) Christian Digital Songs 
24 weeks: "Live Like We're Dying," Kris Allen (2010) Christian/Gospel Digital Songs 
21 weeks: "Breakaway," Kelly Clarkson (2005) Adult Contemporary 
15 weeks: "The Time of My Life," David Cook (2008) Adult Contemporary 
14 weeks: "Daughtry," Daughtry (2006) Top Rock Albums 
14 weeks: "Daughtry," Daughtry (2008) Top Hard Rock Albums 

American Idols Who Have Charted on the Billboard Charts: 

Season one: (five) 

Kelly Clarkson 
Justin Guarini 
Tamyra Gray 
RJ Helton 
Jim Verraros 

Season two: (five) 

Ruben Studdard 
Clay Aiken 
Kimberley Locke 
Josh Gracin 
Kimberly Caldwell 

Season three: (eight) 

Diana DeGarmo 
Jasmine Trias 
La Toya London 
George Huff 
John Stevens 
Jennifer Hudson 
Leah LaBelle 

Season four: (four) 

Carrie Underwood 
Bo Bice 
Constantine Maroulis 
Mario Vazquez 

Season five: (nine) 

Taylor Hicks 
Katharine McPhee 
Elliott Yamin 
Chris Daughtry 
Paris Bennett 
Kellie Pickler 
Ace Young 
Bucky Covington 

Season six: (seven) 

Jordin Sparks 
Blake Lewis 
Melinda Doolittle 
LaKisha Jones 
Chris Richardson 
Phil Stacey 
Chris Sligh 

Season seven: (seven) 

David Cook 
David Archuleta 
Jason Castro 
Brooke White 
Carly Smithson (We Are The Fallen) 
Michael Johns 
Kristy Lee Cook 

Season eight (six) 

Kris Allen 
Adam Lambert 
Danny Gokey 
Allison Iraheta 
Matt Giraud 
Michael Sarver 

Season nine (four) 

Lee DeWyze 
Crystal Bowersox 
Casey James 
Michael Lynche 

Season 10 (seven) 

Scotty McCreery 
Lauren Alaina 
Haley Reinhart 
James Durbin 
Casey Abrams 
Paul McDonald (The Grand Magnolias) 
Pia Toscano 

Season 11 (two) 

Phillip Phillips 
Jessica Sanchez 
Just counting finalists gives you a total of 64 charted Idols, but the number increases to 69 when you add non-finalists William Hung, Josiah Leming, Frenchie Davis, Chris Medina and Johnny Keyser and to 70 if you include non-finalist, non-contestant General Larry Platt.
Credit/Source: Billboard.biz

David Cook Live in Philippines & Indonesia

After 11 seasons, people are still buzzing over American Idol. Do you still remember season 7 winner David Cook? Yes, he is still active in music and released his sophomore album This Loud Morning last June. The Idol winner will be Philippines and Indonesia next month!
The pop rock singer-songwriter first released his self-titled debut back in 2008 and it was certified platinum. With the release of This Loud Morning, David Cook has established himself as a contender in the music recording industry that has gone through plenty of great experiences after winning the American Idol title. He actually won Choice TV: Male Reality/Variety Star at the 2008 Teen Choice Awards, Top 40 Male Artist of the Year at the 2008 New Music Awards, Song of the Year for “Time of My Life” at the 2009 Nashville Music Awards and another Top 40 Male Artist of the Year at the 2009 New Music Awards. Don’t miss this!
David Cook Live in Philippines
Date: 14th July 2012 (Saturday)
Venue: Araneta Coliseum, Manila, Philippines
Prices: P530, P1060, P2650, P3180, P3710, P4770
Tickets: TicketNet
Date: 15th July 2012 (Sunday)
Venue: Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines
Tickets: TBA via TicketNet soon
David Cook Live in Indonesia
Date: 17th July 2012 (Tuesday)
Venue: Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Prices: Presale – Rp. 400,000 (festival), Rp. 300,000 (tribune), Rp. 650,000 (VIP)
Normal -Rp. 590,000 (festival), Rp. 490,000 (tribune), Rp. 790,000 (VIP)
Tickets: Trilogy Live
Credit/Source: https://junk.gigorama.net

David Cook on the subject of WGWGs (White Guys With Guitars)

Excerpt from an interview David Cook did with Shirley Halperin of The Hollywood Reporter for the weekly "Idol Hangover". This interview was done following his performance of "The Last Song I'll Write For You" on American Idol top 4 results night, May 10.

Shirley Halperin: I know someone brought this up to you last night, the WGWG...
David Cook: Yes...
Shirley: The "White Guy With Guitar" Uhm.. You started that in a way...
David: Yeah...I didn't vote for me!
Shirley: *laughs* I did.
David: Thank you. *laughs*
Shirley: So I mean, if it comes out to be Phillip Phillips, I mean, is this such a bad thing? Or is this was just what America voted for?
David: It's only a bad thing in so much as people make of it. Honestly. I don't think it's a bad thing at all, you know, as far as Phillip winning, 'cause I think Phillip's probably one of the more unique contestants the show has ever had. i think he can do amazing things. But I think by automatically throwing him into that, you automatically kind'a dismissing him a little bit...
Shirley: Yeah.
David: ...Which sucks. You know I look at myself and Kris, and... and... a... Lee and Scotty, uhm, and I mean, yes, we're all white guys who play guitars. Yes. But, it's such a... it's such a weird thing! I... 'Cause I don't, you know, Scotty is a country artist, I don't think any of us are, and Lee kind'a sits on this singer-songwriter realm, I think Kris sits in this pop singer-songwriter realm, and I think I lean more on this pop-rock or rock and... So I feel like we all are different in that aspect. And so by lumping as all together, and I [think]... A lot of times when you hear the term anymore, there's almost a negative connotation which really bugs the hell out of me. So, uh... I... you know... I hope that if Phillip wins or Phillip doesn't win, and continues to have a career, which I'm sure he will. Uh... you know. Just give him the benefit of the doubt. Let the music be what it's gonna be before you just throw 'em into the pile like that.
Shirley: I agree.


The Last Song I’ll Write For You – Callout

David has asked only one thing of us so far: keep sales of “The Last Song I’ll Write for You” going.  On Wednesday, June 6th, we will do a one day gifting effort and sales push on iTunes and Amazon in collaboration with our international teams.  Like any other trending or voting effort, this means planning and organizing. If we work together in a specific time period, we’ll make a difference.
Gifting limits: Although we had put a limit of 5 per Amazon and 5 from iTunes, we have heard from other fandoms that the limits are:  2 per checkout at Amazon (if you buy 10 gifts, you need to check out 5 different times),  8 per individual personal purchase on iTunes, but gifting to others is unlimited since who downloads is what’s counted. Using different accounts works too.  This is not to say, let’s buy 8 copies for ourselves  and gift 800 copies each, but we can be a bit more generous than just 5 copies.

Gifting Instructions

If you are willing and able to help, here are some ideas to prepare for Wednesday:
1. Make a list of friends and family members who might enjoy the song.
2. Buy several copies of the song as an iTunes “gift” and choose the “print” option.  This gives you a printout with a redemption code. Pass them out to friends and people who are interested in hearing the song.
3a. Post on your Facebook: If anyone would like a copy of David Cook’s single, I have a few free downloads available.
3b. Or post on Facebook: If anyone would like a free download of David Cook’s new single, check it out here: https://dcstreetteam.wordpress.com/tlsiwfy-gifting-project-recipient-form/
4. If you know people from any of the other Idol fandoms, reach out to them, ask if they would like a free download and either send them to the fill-in form, or ask them to DM you their email address to receive an iTunes gift download.
5. When talking with neighbors, colleagues, dry cleaner, salon stylist, etc, mention that you’re enjoying a new song by David Cook. If they sound interested, ask if they would like a free download.
6. Make a second account on iTunes.  Sign up again with a different email, just in case it’s needed for gifting. iTunes will allow you to use the same credit card on multiple accounts.
7. If you’d like the street team to gift to people, please fill in this form  https://dcstreetteam.wordpress.com/tlsiwfy-gifting-project-recipient-form/  or email to us  at davidcookstreetteam@gmail.com
The email addresses of donors and recipients are not made public on the website for their privacy.  No one will be able to see them unless we send them a link.
This is our chance to give David a gift that he really wants. Let’s do it!

David Cook Returns to the Philippines

After the success of the one-night-only concert at The Mall of Asia Concert Grounds last May 16, 2009 where the seventh American Idol, David Cook shared the stage with fellow American Idol Season 7 contestant and runner-up, David Archuleta, the long three years of wait is officially over. 
Dayly Entertainment brings you...
Your eyes are not playing tricks on you! David Cook and his band return to the Philippines in July to deliver TWO CONCERT EVENTS! 
The ticket information for the Manila show was released June 1 in the late afternoon, around 4-ish, and the next day, my friends and I found ourselves meeting up at SM Megamall, literally running up the steep stairs of the train station to make sure we get to the Araneta Coliseum just in time to get tickets (good seats)! 
The tickets are already selling fast and Dayly Entertainment hasn't even officially advertised about the show/s yet. You better hurry up and secure your tickets before they're sold out!!!
David Cook Live In Manila Ticket Information:
PATRON VIP(PT) - Php 4,770 
PATRON REGULAR (PT) - Php 3,710 
LOWER BOX(CENTER) - Php 3,710 
LOWER BOX(REG) - Php 3,180 
UPPER A (UA) - Php 2,650 
UPPER B (UB) - Php 1,060 
To save you a trip to the Araneta Coliseum, you can purchase your tickets online at Ticketnet. For inquiries call 911-5555. (Direct purchase only, NO RESERVATION.)
David Cook Live in Cebu Ticket Information:
SVIP - Php 4000 
VIP - Php 3500 
Gold - Php 3000 
Silver - Php 2000 
SBalcony - Php 1500 
Bronze - Php 1000 
Balcony - Php 700
Reservations can be held for 3 days.
Call (032) 232-6888 or (032) 514-3500.
DISCLAIMER: Photos in this article are not mine. They are from the respective owners (COOKistas and the owner of the blog)
Credit/Source: rainerafael.blogspot.com

David Cook Live in Manila and Cebu 2012

American singer/songwriter and the winner of the American Idol season 7, David Cook, is coming back to the Philippines! He'll be performing LIVE in Manila and Cebu this July. It will be his first solo major concert here in the Philippines.
Dayly Entertainment in cooperation with LAMC Productions and Rockstar Touring presents:
David Cook LIVE in Manila and Cebu
July 14, 2012 - Smart Araneta Coliseum(Manila)
July 15, 2012 - Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino
Tickets (Manila show):
Visit www.ticketnet.com.ph or call 911-5555










Credit/Source: Manila Concert Scene (Blogspot)

David Cook Live in Manila 2012 Concert Details

American Idol Season 7 winner David Cook is coming back to Manila for a concert on July 14, 2012 at the Smart-Araneta Coliseum.   Ticket pricing and other concert details will be released soon.
David Cook staged a back-to-back concert with former ‘Idol’ runner-up David Archuleta 3 years ago (May 16, 2009)  in a concert titled David to David.  Tickets to the concert were sold out early.  An overwhelming 50,000 crowd filled the Smart-Araneta Coliseum to witness this rare music event.
Like us on Facebook, subscribe to our feeds and follow us on Twitter to get more updates such as ticket pricing and promos, seat plan, and online reservation for the David Cook Live in Manila 2012.
Credit/Source: IAmJammed.com

American Idol Season 7 Winner David Cook Ready for AI Finale

By: Jay Dillon
Fox News Edge just arrived in LA and a former American Idol winner already arrived.
David Cook won American Idol back in 2008 and he's never shy about making appearances under the American Idol tent. Fresh off his recent performance of his new song, "The Last Song I Write for You", Cook has busy summer lined up but he also has a little insight into American Idol from the contestants point of view.
Check out our American Idol picture gallery HERE!.
Credit/Source: nwahomepage.com

David Cook To Tour Soon?

by: Matt Dolloff (CBS Radio Boston)
David Cook may have recently left his record label, but that doesn’t mean he’s stopped working. The former American Idol champion visited the Mix 104.1 table backstage at the Idol finale to talk with Erin O’Malley about the show, his plans for the summer and his recent charity work.
David performed on Idol earlier this season, and says he still enjoys returning to the show years after winning the competition.
“There’s a bit of a home vibe coming back to Idol,” he said. “If they let me come back every week I would probably do that.”
Erin asked him about his record label, which recently parted ways with him. He is not worried about the split and if anything, he’s thinking positively looking forward.
“It was an amicable thing,” he says, “but what I’m really excited about is just moving forward and having multiple paths, multiple outlets and doing what’s best for me.”
Despite leaving his record label, David has a busy schedule ahead of him this spring and summer which includes travel all around the world. He’s playing a USO show in Hawaii, a celebrity softball game at the Major League Baseball All-Star festivities in Kansas City, and even has a trip to Asia planned for several live shows.
Through all the work he already has planned, David still insists it’s creating new music that he wants to accomplish soon.
“My priority is to get a record out,” he said. “I don’t know how that’s going to happen yet, but we’re going to make a record and get it out and make sure that my fans know that I appreciate all the support, and that we’re going to keep making music as long as they’ll keep enjoying it.”
David has also been active in charity work, completing the L.A. marathon in seven hours and raising over $200,000 in the process. Visit CureBrainTumors.org to help donate to David’s team and help a great cause.
Credit/Source: mix1041.cbslocal.com

David Cook Talks Life After ‘Idol’ & The “WGWG” Phenomenon

By: Lyndsey Parker
Season 7 "American Idol" champion David Cook returned to the show Thursday night as the musical guest, with frontrunner Phillip Phillips--who has earned some comparisons to David--watching from the sidelines. Backstage after his performance, David spoke to Yahoo!'s Reality Rocks about such comparisons, and about what is known in the "Idol" world as the "WGWG" phenomenon.
"I know that whole 'white guy with guitar' thing exists, and I don't know if I vibe with it," David said, referring to the three winners that followed him (Kris Allen, Lee DeWyze, and Scotty McCreery). 
"To lump people in like that just almost feels a little dismissive. I think Phillip is probably one of the more unique talents that have ever been on the show, and to lump him in with anybody demeans that a bit. I think Phillip's incredible, and that guy could do almost anything and it would work."
As for the idea that the "WGWG" pattern on "Idol" was established by David's win in 2008, he laughed, "Sorry about that! Vote for somebody else? I don't know. I think everybody's who's won this show, from Kelly onward, deserves to be in that spot."
Credit/Source: Yahoo! Music

American Idol Season Seven Winner David Cook: I Think Joshua Ledet Will Win Idol This Year!

With American Idol down to its final three contestants, season seven winner David Cook tells Life & Style he thinks Joshua Ledet is in it to win it!
"I think Joshua has had a really good run for the past few weeks," the "The Last Song I'll Write for You" singer tells Life & Style. "If he can take it to the next level I could see him winning."
But that's not to say that Joshua should count out competitors Phillip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez.
"Phillip is probably one of the more unique contestants the show's ever had," David says about the female-favorite crooner. "If he can lean on that and have a really big moment next week, he could maybe jump over."
In the end David explains that it's all about having that "wow" performance. "It really is just what you do with that song and how you make it your own," he says. "Next week is going to make a few things a lot clearer."
Credit/Source: lifeandstylemag.com


David Cook: We're finalizing details on a short Asia tour.

Head's up Asian Crashers!!! According to an interview on FOX All Access, David and the guys are planning on a short Asian tour hopefully some time this summer!
Hopefully he'll consider to go back here in the Philippines. Until then, let's keep our fingers crossed!!!
BTW, Here's the rest of the short 2:58 interview

David Cook Now Flying Solo: "I'm Currently Without a Record Deal"

by Gina Carbone
Season 7 Winner David Cook on the American Idol StageUh oh! As the Season 11 finalists battle it out to be the next American Idol, the Season 7 Idol is back on the market, having ended his relationship with RCA Records.
"I'm currently without a record deal," David Cook told The Hollywood Reporter. He also broke up with 19 Entertainment and is currently being managed by Simon Fuller's XIX Entertainment.
David is trying to self-release his new song, "The Last Song I'll Write For You" — which he just performed May 10 on Idol — and see what happens from there.  
"It just felt like the time to try something different," David said, adding that he loves the creative control. However, if other record company suitors come along, he won't kick them out of bed. "We're just going to keep doing what we're doing. If someone wants to hop on board and get behind it, then great, let's talk about it. I just love making music and however I'm gonna do that is however I'm gonna do that."
Good luck — we believe in you, Cookie! 
Credit/Source: wetpaint.com/american-idol

'American Idol's' David Cook and RCA Records Part Ways

"I'm currently without a record deal," the season 7 winner tells THR.
by Shirley Halperin
David Cook Idol season 11 performance PSeason 7 winner David Cook debuted a new song on American Idol Thursday night, but it won't be coming out on RCA Records. 
The show alum tells The Hollywood Reporter, "I'm currently without a record deal." He's self-releasing "The Last Song I'll Write For You" to "see how the song does." 
Cook reveals that his contract with Sony Music-owned RCA Records was up after his second album, This Loud Morning. "It just felt like the time to try something different," he says. "I love the creative control, so we're going to self-release and see what happens from there." He also parted ways with 19 Entertainment, as THR previously reported, and is currently being managed by Simon Fuller's XIX Entertainment.
As for what happens next? The road is long, as the Hollies once sang, and Cook says, "We're just going to keep doing what we're doing. If someone wants to hop on board and get behind it, then great, let's talk about it. I just love making music and however I'm gonna do that is however I'm gonna do that. But I keep writing songs like this, hopefully things will turn out OK."
Indeed, the hooky new track wasn't the usual three-month struggle. "The melody was real natural, which almost never happens to me," he adds. "It all came together rather quickly."
The Idol appearance, he says, "became the obvious choice to do and I'm so glad it worked out this way and that we can unveil it on that stage."
Hear more about Cook's plans on Friday's episode of Idol Hangover, THR's original web show. 
Credit/Source: hollywoodreporter.com/idol-worship

David Cook reminds us what a great 'American Idol' champion he was

by: Jamshid Mousavinezhad
David Cook premiering "The Last Song I'll Write For You" on "American Idol." He was one of my favorite champions of all time; always came up with a creative interpretation each week, took on a lot of different types of songs and had a great heart that showed in how he acted as a big brother to the runner-up that year, David Archuleta.
One of the great rivalries on the show where the two fan bases actually had respect for each other, because the "Two Davids" seemed to become real friends.
His performance is good; not super-memorable, but then again it's a new song, not a proven crowd-pleaser.
Credit/Source: newsday.com

'American Idol's' David Cook Guests on Next Episode of THR's 'Idol Hangover'

by THR Staff
The season 7 winner joins THR music editor Shirley Halperin and special correspondent Didi Benami on the couch this Friday.
Idol Hangover David Cook promo L
On Thursday night, he performs on the American Idol stage, and the next day, David Cook will be sitting on the Idol Hangover couch.
The season 7 winner will join THR music editor Shirley Halperin and special Idol correspondent Didi Benami for Friday’s episode of The Hollywood Reporter's original web show.
With only two weeks left in the competition, there is certainly plenty to talk about, including who will triumph on this eleventh go-round. Also at the top of our curiosity check-list: Cook’s new music, which will make its debut with the new song called “The Last Song I’ll Write For You” (hopefully, we’re not the “you.”)
Have a question for Cookie? Tweet it to @Idol_Worship by 10:00 a.m. PST and yours may be asked during the show.
Credit/Source: hollywoodreporter.com/idol-worship

David Cook's "The Last Song I'll Write For You" ranked 4th bestseller (MP3 albums) in Amazon Japan


The Japanese Crashers/COOKistas are also showing their love and support for David Cook and "The Last Song I'll Write For You." AWESOME!!!

David Cook will perform the song tomorrow (Philippines) on the American Idol stage.
click on image for higher resolution
See More/Credit/Source:
  • amazon.co.jp
  • COOKistas
  • bestseller_rss



The Last Song I'll Write For You



I can tell that something's not the same
'Cause we're both losing at the loving game
We're hanging from words, your tongue is a fire 
And I can't keep putting out the flames.
There was a time when you could tell the world that you,
You knew I would fight for you, knew I would fight for you.
But now I know that I can let you go
'Cause I wrote the last song I'll write for you,
The last song I'll write for you.
I've been waiting just to feel this way
Where my night's not made by every day
That you ever had, the good and the bad 'cause I...
I'm through calling out your name.
There was a time when you could tell the world that you,
You knew I would fight for you, knew I would fight for you.
But now I know that I can let you go
'Cause I wrote the last song I'll write for you,
The last song I'll write for you.
We're just drifting apart
Two beats in two different hearts
Before I say goodnight, I want you to know...
There was a time when you could tell the world that you,
You knew I would fight for you, knew I would fight for you.
But now I know that I can let you go
'Cause I wrote the last song I'll write for you,
The last song I'll write for you.
Now I know that I can let you go
'Cause I wrote the last song I'll write for you,
This is the last song I'll write for you.

Lyrics (based on snippet/s)


I can tell that something's not the same
Cause were both losing at the loving game
We're hanging through words/(wires?)
Your tongue is a fire and I can't keep putting out the flame.
If there was a time when you could tell the world that you,
You knew I would fight for you,
You knew I would fight for you...
But now I know that I can let you go cause I 
wrote the last song I'll write for you...
I've been waiting just to feel this way
When my night's not made by everyday
That you ever had, the good and the bad
Cause I, I'm through calling out your name...
Repeat Chorus

David Cook – The Last Song I’ll Write For You – Preview Snippet! (Song is Self-Released!)


Listen to a snippet of David Cook’s new song “The Last Song I’ll Write For You” at Amazon! David will debut his new single on the American Idol results show this Thursday May 10.


(click photo for the snippet)

ETA: This song is self released. Hm. What does that mean for David? Has he parted ways with RCA? Considering his last CD didn’t exactly race up the charts, it’s a possibility. David’s official RCA website has not been updated in almost a month. Hm.
Credit/Source: mjsbigblog.com

David Cook's Success

Season 7 winner, David Cook, returns to American Idol Thursday at 8/7c to perform his hit "The Last Song I'll Write For You" live. David is one of the most successful artists to come out of American Idol to date.
After his American Idol win in 2008, David released his self-titled debut. The album sold over 1 million copies and entered the Billboard charts at #3 and the digital albums chart at #1. David Cook is the best debut from an American Idol winner since 2006 and has sold over 2 million tracks and ringtones combined. David's coronation single, "The Time Of My Life" was certified platinum and is not only the biggest single debut, but the highest selling coronation single in the show's history. Billboard declared the song "...one of the longest-running chart-toppers by a solo male artist in AC history."
Last June David released his sophomore album, This Loud Morning, to great success. "The Last Goodbye" was the first single off the album and was debuted live on Season 10's Top 7 results show. It entered the Bubbling Under Hot 100 chart at number 5. Following the release of his second album, David Cook headlined a tour with superstar Gavin DeGraw.
In February of this year David released a new EP, This Quiet Night, featuring selected acoustic performances of songs from his last album, This Loud Morning. Included in the EP are: “The Last Goodbye,” “Right Here With You,” “Take Me As I Am,” “Goodbye To The Girl,” and “Paper Heart.”
Not a bad career for the young man who only entered the music scene four years ago. Music isn't David's only passion, he is a huge advocate for cancer research. David has taken place in the Race for Hope 5K in Washington, D.C. for the past four years to raise funds in memory of his brother, Adam, who passed away from brain cancer in 2009. David performed "Permanent" on the Season 8 finale in honor of his brother. He donated the iTunes proceeds from the performance to charity.
We can't wait to see what the future has in store for this talented musician.
Credit/Source: AmericanIdol.com

This week on ‘American Idol’ (May 9-10): Jennifer L​opez, David Cook

by: Jackie Kass
With only three performance shows left in the season, “American Idol” heats up this week with a California Dreaming theme. Executives from FOX announced on Saturday that Jennifer Lopez and David Cook have been tapped as this week’s live performers. It all adds up to an exciting week for “American Idol” fans everywhere.
During Wednesday’s performance show, the four remaining “Idol” competitors will sing songs with a beach theme during “California Dreaming” week. Below are the final four singers, who are all battling for their survival this week on "American Idol":
  1. Hollie Cavanaugh: 18-year-old from McKinney, TX
  2. Joshua Ledet: 20-year-old from Westlake, LA
  3. Phillip Phillips: 21-year-old from Leesburg, GA
  4. Jessica Sanchez: 16-year-old from San Diego, CA
Don’t miss the live results show the following night, Thursday, May 10th (8:00-9:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed), when the top three finalists are announced and get set for their hometown visits to see family, friends and fans. In addition, global superstar and “American Idol” judge, Jennifer Lopez, will perform her hit new song “Dance Again.” Season seven “American Idol” winner, David Cook, also returns to the stage to perform “The Last Song I’ll Write For You.”
Last week, “American Idol” fans cast a season high record with close to 60 million votes. Country girl Skylar Laine was shockingly eliminated from the competition, but she’s certain to have a bright future in the music business.
So, who do you think has the best shot at winning this season of “American Idol"? Be sure to tune in this week to see who rises to the occasion and who caves in to the pressure.
Credit/Source: examiner.com

David Cook Races For Hope In DC

Making a trip to the nation’s capital, David Cook took part in the 2012 Race For Hope in Washington D.C. on Sunday afternoon (May 6).
The former “American Idol” winner participated in the 5K race that took place near Freedom Plaza in honor of his brother that passed away from a brain tumor in 2009.
"I don't know if I ever got over it," the 29-year-old singer said of his brother's passing. "I don't know if I ever really will. Going back every year, we kind of treat it like the anniversary. It's been part of the healing process for my family and I. I think more importantly, to be able to use that as a way to keep Adam's memory alive and do some good for people still struggling with it -- that's the best way we can honor Adam."
In other news, Cook is scheduled to perform on the hit show on Thursday (May 10) and debut "The Last Song I'll Write For You,” from his newest album This Loud Morning.
Enjoy the pictures of David Cook at the 2012 Race for Hope in Washington, D.C. (May 6):
Credit/Source: celebrity-gossip.net
Photos: FlameFlynet.com

David Cook races for Hope in D.C. Again

by: Mark Franklin
For the fourth straight year, David Cook participated in the Race for Hope in Washington, D.C., Sunday, helping raise money for brain cancer research.
His team didn’t quite repeat as top fund-raisers for the event, a feat it had accomplished three straight years.
But Team David Cook still raised more than $80,500 for the event, good enough for third behind Cassidy Turley ($106,000) and Team BT ($98,700).
All told, the event raised more than $2.244 million, according to the Race for Hope website.
David sent out a tweet a couple of  hours ago:  “Great weekend! Thanks to everyone involved for helping make it that way.”
David began participating in the Race for Hope back in 2009, serving as grand marshal the day after his older brother Adam died of brain cancer.
“It’s been part of the healing process for my family and I,” David is quoted as saying on CelebrityGossip.net.  "I think,more importantly, to be able to use that as a way to keep Adam’s memory alive and do some good for people still struggling with it — that’s the best way we can honor Adam.”
And, by my calculation, Team David Cook has now passed the $500,000 mark in fundraising for the event over the past four years when you include last year’s Concert for Hope.
More than a half-million for brain cancer research.  Congrats to David and his supporters on that milestone.
You can head to CelebrityGossip.net for a bunch of photos of David at Sunday’s event.
And, don’t forget, this week we’ll be treated to a performance by David on the American Idol Top 4 results show Thursday night.
Credit/Source: ydtalk.com

The week in 'American Idol': Top 4 going back to Cali, Kris Allen shut down on the pier, and more

by: MJ Santilli
Next Wednesday on American Idol, the Top 4 will choose songs from California artists for a “California Dreamin’”-themed performance show. On Thursday’s results show, judge Jennifer Lopez will perform her new single “Dance Again” and season 7 champ David Cook will debut his new single “The Last Song I’ll Write for You.”
Carrie Underwood’s fourth album, Blown Away, is set to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 Albums chart next week. It’s her third No. 1, following 2009’s Play On and 2007′s Carnival Ride. Her post-Idol debut, 2005′s Some Hearts debuted and peaked at No. 2. The new disc is predicted to sell around 275,000 copies, according to industry sources.
“Music video shoot!” Adam Lambert tweeted on Tuesday. The season 8 alum shot the new video for his latest single, the Bruno Mars-penned “Never Close Our Eyes” earlier this week. Afterward, Adam confessed, “That shoot was a long one!! This video is going to be AMAZING! Get ready!!!!” He also uploaded a photo to give his fans a little taste of what’s to come.
When New York magazine caught up with Dave Matthews at the premiere of Last Call at the Oasis, they wondered if the musician had heard Idol finalist Phillip Phillips’ Top 6 cover of “The Stone.”  “I haven’t seen him yet,” confessed Matthews, “but I keep my head in the sand.” When Matthews learned that Phil’s gritty style has often been compared to his own, the “Crash Into Me” singer didn’t mind. “More power to him. I wouldn’t imagine that imitating me would bring any quality of popularity, but that’s okay if it does.” Matthews also joked, “Maybe I paved the way for him. I wish him the best of luck! He should kick my ass, [then] maybe I can retire and he can take over my band.”
Credit/Source: insidetv.ew.com


ABC2 thanks David and his fans for participating in the Mozilla Firefox Charity Challenge to help cure brain cancer.
Whether it’s American Idol or a celebrity charity contest, David Cook and his fans know what it takes to win.  Their passion and commitment to help cure brain cancer is what drove their spectacular showing in the Mozilla Firefox Charity Challenge. David and his fans raised over $40,000 for Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2).
David joined the Challenge for very personal reasons.  In 2009, he lost his 37-year-old brother to a brain tumor after a long and courageous battle with the disease.  Since then, David and his fans have been on a mission to support the cutting-edge research funded by ABC2.  
They have participated along side brain tumor survivors to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in the Race for Hope 5k Run/Walk in Washington, DC.  This March, David plans to run even further to raise awareness, “I’ll be running the 2012 Honda LA Marathon for Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure," he said.  "This will be a challenging race, but one accomplishment that I will be incredibly proud of and honored to do.”
Mozilla, makers of the popular internet browser Firefox, launched the holiday challenge to promote the spirit of doing good.  The Challenge, hosted online by Crowdrise, featured other high-profile celebrities, including: Jason Bateman (City Year), Sophia Bush (F-Cancer), David Blaine (Charity: Water), Edward Norton (The Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust), and Jonah Hill (Nothing But Nets).  Sophia Bush and her fans won the overall competition, but all the charities involved considered themselves winners as the Challenge helped raise awareness for these important causes.
David offered weekly prizes and giveaways to entice donors to get involved. He gave away signed copies of his self-titled CD, David Cook and fans who donated $24 to the ABC2 were eligible to win a 5 minute Skype chat with the American Idol.
“We Believe” is a beautiful and uplifting song on David’s latest CD, This Loud Morning.  It's also an anthem for our cause.  We believe in a brain cancer cure and we believe David and his fans will help us get there.  Thanks to everyone who participated!
Credit/Source: abc2.org

David Cook In Love, Danny Gokey In Greed

I’m backkkkkkkkkk… like a bad penny popping up again I decided that a stinking pile of human crap one of either a David Cook or Adam Lambert fan left with a nasty note under a tree in my back yard isn’t going to stop me from talking about the foolishness of fandom. Or even the foolishness of the American Idols. Plus now I’ve filed a police report AND put up motion triggered lights with cameras on the back and front of my house. Even if a fantard never poops in my yard enough I want to catch one of the Bumpass kids throwing rocks in my Koi pond again. They like to try and scare the fish.
So did everyone miss me? I bet you did. I’ve been busy.
I thought I was done with all this fan foolishness and writing about any of it but I kept being drug kicking and screaming back by various things I just have to comment upon.
First, it looks very much like “Celebrity Apprentice” just might come down to a Redhead versus Redhead finale. Clay Aiken and Aubrey O’Day seem like they’re both playing the wonderful backstabbing gaslighting game till it’s just the two evil gingerkids standing. I find Clay less annoying than I did early in the season but this is not exactly how I’d anticipated it might play out.  I wish Trump would make them mud wrestle for the final win but alas that’s just not to be.
The thing that poked me into coming back here to post was one very unintentional Danny Gokey sighting with zero Gokeytards around. Horrible tale…
Okay, so there was this ‘event’ in DC that my friends gave me tickets to that was rescheduled till last Sunday afternoon. It turned out to be a Joel Osteen conference. I’m not particularly in like with Osteen but my better half has a huge Jesus hardon for everything coming out of Osteen’s mouth.
So there I sat, semi bored in the sunshine of National Stadium when they announced a boy that had SEEN THE LIGHT and was now an AWARD WINNING CHRISTIAN ARTIST after the degradation of Rock n Roll and Country, out popped  Danny Gokey onto the stage. Ugh,, he started to sing songs from his new Christian cd.. Ugh Imagine the Gokey doucheface on huge screens around the stadium.
…..what followed was simply HORRIFYING, worse than Osteen’s huge chomper sparkling teeth, THE DANNY GOKEY STORY with photos of him and Sofia, his confession he fell into a horrible depression after AI because he’d lost his way from the LORD and went places he wasn’t supposed to go before finding Jesus, happiness and his new wife. Huge photos of all this shit flashed on the screens before he made an appeal for people to donate to some new charity he has healing homeless families with music…..
Mercifully it was over quickly. Gokey received a very tepid reception and I spotted no one behaving like a Gokeyfantard.
Heard a short time ago that during David Cook’s gig tonight for the post-Race For The Cure that he announced from the stage that he had found someone that made him happy, like forever happy and was in love..
Good for him. I heard that the fans reacted positively, which I do have a hard time believing considering how anyone he was ever even slightly interested in always got loads of stupid and hateful from his frauen. I predict before the weekend is out there will be much hand wringing and crying in fan land. This is one of those times I pray I’m wrong, it would be awesome if his fans accepted his news graciously and were as happy for him as they are reputed to be tonight.

David Cook to Debut New Song on American Idol Tuesday; Plays Benefit This Weekend

by: Andrea Dresdale
American Idol has been welcoming its many alumni to the results show each week, and David Cook is up next.  The season seven champ will appear on Tuesday's results show to perform a brand-new song called "The Last Song I'll Write for You."  
According to the Hollywood Reporter, the song is one that David only wrote in the last few months.  It doesn't appear on his most recent CD, This Loud Morning, but it'll be available on iTunes the same day as the American Idol performance.
In other David Cook news, the singer performs a benefit concert this Saturday in Washington, D.C. as part of The Race for Hope. It's an annual 5K marathon which raises funds for brain cancer, the disease that took the life of David's brother, Adam.  David will perform an acoustic concert at Washington's State Theater and on Sunday, he'll take part in the race as well.
Credit/Source: abcnewsradioonline.com

David Cook, Adam Lambert, Jennifer Lopez, Lisa Marie Presley to Appear on FOX's American Idol

By Brian Scott Lipton
FOX's reality-music series American Idol has announced additional musical guests, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
On May 10, season 7 winner David Cook will debut his brand new song, "The Last Song I'll Ever Write For You," and Idol judge Jennifer Lopez will sing her hit, "Dance Again."
Singer Adam Lambert, who appeared in the L.A. production of the musical Wicked, and who gained international fame during his appearance on season 8, will appear on May 17, performing "Never Close My Eyes." In addition, Lisa Marie Presley will perform on the episode.
The series, which concludes its season on Wednesday, May 23, is hosted by Ryan Seacrest, and alsofeatures Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler as judges.
Credit/Source: theatermania.com


(Banner courtesy of @TheEnanski .)
IMPORTANT: The only way we know of for international fans to receive iTunes Gifts is by getting a U.S. account. Please see Instructions for Gifting and Redeeming Gifts below. As far as we know, only accounts from the same country can send and receive gifts. That is, US account holders can send gifts only to other US account holders. They cannot, for instance, send gifts to Canadian, Japanese, or Australian accounts. In cases like this, my suggestion would be for the donors to buy the songs themselves and then to e-mail the file to the recipients.
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Telephone: 816-923-3000
Hampton Inn and Suites
4600 Summit
Kansas City, MO 64112
Telephone: 816-448-4600
University of Central Missouri
Administration Building
Warrensburg, MO 64093

David Cook to Perform on 'American Idol' May 10 (Exclusive)


The season 7 winner will debut a new song on the show, two weeks before this year's victor is crowned.

by Shirley Halperin
American Idol is ramping up for some big bookings as season 11 winds down for the year.
On April 30, it was announced that series favorite and season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert would be performing his latest single, "Never Close Our Eyes," on May 17 and this week comes news that season 7 winner David Cook will debut a brand new song on the Idol stage on May 10.
Called "The Last Song I'll Write For You," Cook did indeed write it in recent months. And in what's undoubtedly a special treat for fans, it will be available on iTunes the same day as the performance, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.
Cook's last album, This Loud Morning, was released in June 2011.
Other artists scheduled to perform on the show include Lisa Marie Presley (May 17) and tonight's guests Carrie Underwood and Coldplay. 
Idol's grand finale takes place live at Los Angeles' Nokia Theater on Tuesday, May 22 with the 2012 winner crowned on Wednesday, May 23.
Credit/Source: hollywoodreporter.com

You've chosen the winner! The Ultimate AI Contestant is...

As of 9:00 PM, April 30th (GMT +8), David Cook has been officially crowned as the Ultimate American Idol contestant off all time!
Congratulations to the Crashers (David Cook fans as proclaimed by Best Buy) who worked their a**es off to vote for almost a month to get David to the top.

Here's the complete list of Q102's AI Brackets participants (arranged in descendind order by order of elimination):

1. David Cook (Champ)
2. Scotty McCreery 
3. David Archuleta (Eliminated, Week 3)
4. Carrie Underwood (Eliminated, Week 3)
5. Clay Aiken (Eliminated, Week 2)
6. Kelly Clarkson (Eliminated, Week 2)
7. Adam Lambert (Eliminated, Week 2)
8. Kellie Pickler (Eliminated, Week 2)
9. Kris Allen (Eliminated, Week 1)
10. Lauren Alaina (Eliminated, Week 1)
11. Jennifer Hudson (Eliminated, Week 1)
12. Jordin Sparks (Eliminated, Week 1)
13. Katharine McPhee (Eliminated, Week 1)
14. Chris Daughtry (Eliminated, Week 1)
15. Fantasia (Eliminated, Week 1)
16. Ruben Studdard (Eliminated, Week 1)

Here are the Honorable Mentions (arranged by season):

1. Bo Bice
2. Taylor Hicks
3. Elliot Yamin
4. Bucky Covington
5. Jason Castro
6. Lee DeWyze
7. Casey Abrams
8. Pia Toscano

Here's the list of David's victory on the bracket:

Week 1:
David Cook vs. Jordin Sparks (53.82% - 46.18%)
Week 2:
David Cook vs. Adam Lambert (51.89% - 48.11%)
Week 3:
David Cook vs. Carrie Underwood (53.92% - 46.08%)
Final Week (4):
David Cook vs. Scotty McCreery (51.14% - 48.86)
This just proves that David Cook has the best fans ever! Congrats again Crashers!



The voting's now over and David Cook was hailed as Q102's Greatest American Idol Contestant.
American Idol season 7 champ David Cook proved that he can not only won his season but also he can also clobber the other Idol contestants from the past 10 seasons.
David Cook fans known as Crashers (as hailed by Best Buy) endured a month of voting to get their Idol on top and did not fail for their champ has surpassed prominent Idol contestants such as Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood.
Here's the list of David's victory on the bracket:
Week 1:
David Cook vs. Jordin Sparks (53.82% - 46.18%)
Week 2:
David Cook vs. Adam Lambert (51.89% - 48.11%)
Week 3:
David Cook vs. Carrie Underwood (53.92% - 46.08%)
Final Week (4):
David Cook vs. Scotty McCreery (51.08% - 48.92)*
*Stats are still unstable. Cook's 51.08% is still going up
You can check the rest of Q102's bracket below or on their site.
Congratulations to the CRASHERS!!! This is one hell of a Crasher victory!!!

David Cook’s Performance From Here To Zero Gets A Perfect Ten

Oh yes! You can always count on David Cook to showcase outstanding vocals via his rock persona.
This video, however, shows a restrained, pure vocal delivery from the David.. His vocals are brimming with head voice – pitch perfect and centered. He easily vocalizes from his true tenor range into the counter-tenor range, highlighting the continuity and strength of his technical skills.
This is a beautiful and sensitive performance by David, emphasizing the depth and dimension of his artistry.
And, I love, love LOVE the relaxation of his jaw! That’s how it’s done. You show ‘em David!
The song, “From Here To Zero” was given a premiere performance by David at the the Foundation Room in Las Vegas on April 27, 2012.
It has yet to be released but I am certain that once it is, it will be warmly embraced by his legions of fans.
I would also like to send out special kudos to his wonderful musicians, especially the back-up singer, Andy Skib, on the left who beautifully mirrored David’s gentle head voice with impeccable harmonies.
This performance made me realize what is missing from all the singing competitions to date. Restrained, free vocals in an acoustic environment. This is what singing is all about.
Yes, we need the variety, but would it be so awful to have a theme devoted to acoustic song arrangements? Really?
Kudos David! As always, you never, ever fail to impress me with your splendid and refined artistry.
Credit/Source: masterclasslady.com

LYRICS: "From Here To Zero" -David Cook new song


Lyrics for new David Cook song “From Here to Zero” (slightly revised, still some unsure/unknown words).



Here we are at the starting line
Of a race that goes till the end of time
You and I
Take a long deep breath and I’ll take one too
as the seconds fade and the minutes move
I’m by your side

Life’s a countdown that never ends
And the world we know keeps on cavin’ in
We can hold on, I will hold on

Till the clocks run out, till the sun breaks down
I’ll be all the love you need
Till the stars turn cold, I’ll never let you go
From here to zero.

A love we’ve set for a second look 
like a flower pressed in you favorite book
by the windowsill
We got lost in a passing glance
as the winter frost melted in our hands
and time stood still

Life’s a countdown that never stops
[and/as we all bog/fall down and/as we count the cost]
We can hold on, I will hold on

Till the clocks run out, till the sun breaks down
I’ll be all the love you need
Till the stars turn cold, I’ll never let you go
From here to zero.

And every point in between
The good and not because it seems
[Andy sings: The starlight we’ve been (__?__)]
Look in your heart and please believe
I’ll never go, I’ll never leave
From here until the end.

Till the clocks run out, till the sun breaks down
I’ll be all the love you need
Till the stars turn cold, I’ll never let you go
From here to zero.

Till the clocks run out, till the sun breaks down
I’ll be all the love you need
Till the stars turn cold, I’ll never let you go
From here to zero.


Thanks to/Credits/Sources:

·         QTTaquito

·         COOKistas

·         Twitlonger


"From Here To Z​ero"


David Cook's NEW and yet to be released song "From Here To Zero" is now up on YouTube and available/shared for free download on 4shared!


Here's the video Crashers! Enjoy!:



Link to download :)


lyrics? soon!

Q102: AI Brackets-


AI has produced mega-superstars – From Kelly, to Adam, to Carrie, to David – we all have our favorite! Over the past four weeks, 16 names have decided and now we're down to jsut TWO! Who do you think is the GREATEST Idol contestant of all time? DAVID COOK or SCOTTY McCREERY?
As admin of this fansite, I'd say, obviously it's David Cook because when we base it on talent and only pure talent alone, Scotty will eat dust because David is far ahead of him (no offense to the McCreerians)!
As fellow Crashers, Word Nerds, COOKistas, it's your duty to vote for David Cook! By Saturday (April 19th, US Time), the greatest AI contestant of all time will be reigned and it is because of your votes!
Cast your vote here and tell us who your favorite is. The more you vote, the better chance your favorite has to staying in the competition! Vote now!

David Cook to Perform a New Song on American Id​ol May 10

Get ready to mark your calenders, people! David Cook, will be appearing on American Idol on May 10 to premiere a brand new song.
The Season 7  Idol champ revealed the news in an interview with  MIX 105.1 radio after stepping off the stage at the Orlando Downtown Food and Wine Festival Saturday night.
He hopes to hit the road this summer after the song is released.
David has been watching American Idol.  He really liked Heejun. But his favorite right now is Elise Testone, whom he called “pretty badass.” Indeed.
Check out the interview below.
Source: mjsbigblog.com

David Cook On New Material: “I Can’t Wait To Share It With Everyone”

After a recent performance in Florida at the Downtown Food and Wine Festival, David Cook talked with MIX 105.1/Orlando. The former American Idol winner revealed that he’ll be making an appearance on the show next month.
“May 10th we’re going to be back on Idol performing a new song,” he said.
While he couldn’t divulge just what the song will be, he said his new single will premiere on the show. Meanwhile, Cook continues to tour.
“We’ve got some one off shows scattered throughout the spring,” he said. “I’m getting to play with Jon Bon Jovi which I’m really excited about.”
Though a video isn’t in the works just yet, he said if enough people buy the song there will likely be a music video to follow.
“We’ve got some stuff coming up that’s very exciting. Some different stuff from me and I can’t wait to share it with everyone,” he said.
Cook confessed that he has missed a few episodes of American Idol, but still tries to watch it when he can. As far as this season goes, he was rooting for Heejun Han but now has a new prediction.
“I really liked Heejun but he just left,” Cook said. “Elise Testone is pretty badass. I think right now, I have to say Elise but we’ll see. I’ve never been able to predict them.”
Source: k1047.radio.com


David Cook to Perform on American Idol Season 11


All you cougars in town, better mark your calendars. Well, that is if you’re still watching American Idol Season 11 – since this is one helluva boring season! So that means, Nigel, is now showering the show with a lot of guests to pull the ratings up! This time, it’s David Cook’s turn to graze your TV screen! His schedule?? On the 10th of May 2012 – too bad but that’s kindda too far at this point, that’s why you need to mark your calendars and watch David Cook on TV or better yet, watch him in the studio or whatever! Here’s an interview with MIX 105.1 Radio right after Cook stepped off the stage at the Orlando Downtown Food and Wine Festival Saturday night. Other news is that, David Cook, will be hitting the road this Summer after the song is released! He also talked about the recent season of American Idol and said that he liked the clown, Heejun Han. But as we all know, Heejun was sacked last week so that made Elise Testone as his favorite in the season in which he called “pretty badass.” I really agree on that. Check out this interview below…

Source: americanidolepisodestv.com


American Idol star David Cook moving out of Los Angeles house

March 28, 2012 - Real estate blog The Real Estalker reports that American Idol winner David Cook may be calling for movers soon as he recently listed his home in Los Angeles for sale. Records show the 29-year-old purchased the Beachwood Canyon home back in March 2010 for $1.318 million and has put it on the market with an asking price of $1.495 million.
According to the blog, the home was built back in 1979 and offers 3,071 square feet of living space including three bedrooms and two-and-a-half bathrooms spread out on the home's three floors.
Additionally, the property has views of the city, the famous Hollywood sign and the Griffith Park Observatory. Other notable features of the home include hardwood floors, granite countertops, a custom laundry room and stainless steel appliances throughout.
Cook won the singing competition back in season seven and went on to have a platinum album and moved to the West Coast after growing up in Missouri. The Real Estalker says he owns a second home outside of Kansas City.
source: Relocation.com

David Cook confirms return on American Idol


David Cook confirms via a quick interview with Melanie of MIX 101.5 after his stellar performance at the Downtown Food and Wine Fest in Orlando that he's gonna be returning to American Idol to premier a NEW SONG/SINGLE, 10th May (11th May, GMT+8).


According to David, there will be no video for the new single. Or at least not yet as David jokingly made a condition that there will be video if many people will buy the new single.


David also shared to Mel that this Idol season he finds potential on Elise Testone and recently eliminated Heejun Han.


It's less than a month and two weeks til David's Idol comeback.

American Idol is aired in the Philippines via ETC and Star World

'American Idol' Winner David Cook, Finalist Haley Reinhart to Perform on Season 11 (Exclusive)

Season 7's Cook will return to the "Idol" stage for the fourth year in a row, while Reinhart, who finished third last year, will debut her first single two days after its release.
Calling all David Cook fans! The season 7 winner will be appearing on the show this year, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed. It will mark the Blue Springs, Missouri native's fourth year in a row returning to the stage that launched his rock career. Cook's performance is tentatively scheduled for May.
Also set to sing during season 11? Last year's third place finalist Haley Reinhart, who will perform on the show Thursday, March 22, two days after she officially releases her debut single, "Free." 
The returning alums continue a long tradition of inviting Idol grads to perform on the current season of the show. Cook joins season 5 finalist Chris Daughtry, season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert, season 10's James Durbin and reigning victor Scotty McCreery on the season 11 line-up, as previously reported. 
As for what Cook might play? Although his most recent album, This Loud Morning, has been out for less than a year, it could be a new song, says an insider. Indeed, Cook's tweets from the last few weeks have referenced a fair share of writing and music sessions and he's said to have several songs in the can. 
Source: Shirley Halperin


f you happen to be planning a wild vacay to Las Vegas or live in the area - be on the look out for David Cook as he joins Jon Bon Jovi at the Tiger Jam benefit! The event takes place Saturday, April 28th at the Mandalay Bay Events Center. Get more details here.
Credit/Source: David Cook Official


When a singer wins "American Idol," it's undoubtedly his or her biggest music moment to-date. But as we've seen time and time again, winning "Idol" does not necessarily mean that one's career will follow the trajectories of Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood. As "American Idol" season 11 moves forward with its Top 24 (well, technically 25) contestants this week, we examine which contestants have had the greatest post-"Idol" success out in the wider waters of the music industry.
24. Crystal Bowersox
23. Kimberly Locke
22. Lauren Alaina
21. Blake Lewis
20. Bucky Covington
19. Katharine McPhee
18. Bo Bice
17. Taylor Hicks
16. Josh Gracin
15. Scotty McCreery
14. Kellie Pickler
13. Elliot Yamin
12. Kris Allen
11. David Archuleta
10. Jennifer Hudson
9. Adam Lambert
8. Ruben Studdard

7. David Cook


Album Sales: 1,443,000 
Track Sales: 4,352,000 
Radio Plays: 672,000 
YouTube Plays: 11,857,619
After years of rockers getting the short end of the "Idol" stick, David Cook broke the genre's bad luck streak in 2008 by trumping another David (Archuleta) in the finale. Cook's self-titled debut album followed (a No. 3 debut on the Billboard 200), which placed two singles on the Hot 100. Last season, viewers were reminded of the charismatic rocker, who released "This Loud Morning" last year -- his cover of Simple Minds' "Don't You Forget About Me" was played each time a contestant was eliminated from the show.
6. Fantasia Barrino
5. Clay Aiken
4. Jordin Sparks
3. Chris Daughtry
2. Carrie Underwood
1. Kelly Clarkson




Check the full list with description here: Billboard.com

Where Are They Now: American Idol Champions

From restaurateurs to pop stars who are "big" in Asia, here's a look at what every American Idol champ is up to these days.
Over the past decade, American Idol has become a TV and music institution, helping launch the careers of many household names. But while the show remains a ratings juggernaut, history proves that its winners weren't always the most viable choices. For every Kelly Clarkson there's a Ruben Studdard or Kris Allen. Many Idol winners have been dwarfed by other contestants in the years following their wins. So while we still see the Adam Lamberts of the world populate the charts (and gossip columns), we wondered what happened to all of the past winners. From restaurateurs to pop stars who are "big" in Asia, here's a look at what every American Idol champ is up to these days

Kelly Clarkson (2002)

As well as being the inaugural winner, Clarkson has become the Idol poster child in her nearly decade long career. After winning Idol, Clarkson went on to have success with such hits as "A Moment Like This," "Because of You," and "Since U Been Gone." She's won two Grammys, three MTV MVAs as well as being ranked the number 14 artist of the 2000s by Billboard magazine. She recently released her fifth studio album, Stronger, and, in a somewhat controversial move, is set to appear on the second season of Idol rival The Voice, mentoring Blake Shelton's contestants.

Carrie Underwood (2005)

Season 4 winner Underwood went from a fresh-faced country singer to national icon, recently surpassing Kelly Clarkson as Idol's biggest earner. Though she hasn't released an album since 2009's Play On she continues to make headlines along with her husband, NHL hockey player Mike Fisher. Season 4 winner Carrie Underwood went from a fresh-faced country singer to national icon, recently surpassing Kelly Clarkson as Idol's biggest earner. Though she hasn't released an album since 2009's Play On she continues to make headlines along with her husband, NHL hockey player Mike Fisher.

David Cook (2008)

Cook's Season 7 victory started the parade of male winners that continues to this day. Following his platinum-selling debut, Cool, he released his second major label album, This Loud Morning, in June of 2011.

Lee DeWyze (2010)

Season 9 winner Lee DeWyze has the honour of being the last Idol winner to be on RCA Records as, in October of last year, RCA CEO Peter Edge confirmed that the singer was no longer on the label, thereby dissolving the nine-year partnership between the show and the record company. After much delay, DeWyze released his album in November of last year and does much of his touring in Asia.

Scotty McCreery (2011)

Rejuvenated with a new label partnership and two superstar judges, the revamped American Idol produced Season 10 winner and current country star Scotty McCreery. With his album, Clear as Day, McCreery became the first country act to enter the Billboard charts at No. 1 with a debut. It also made the Idol winner the youngest male to debut at the top. Not too shabby.
source: https://www.dose.ca

COLTON DIXON and 'Permanent'

American Idol premiered its eleventh season last night! And I can say that we are off to a great start!

'Idol' was busy finding some great singers last night on Savannah and there happened to be two familiar faces. But one stood out.

Remember Colton Dixon from last year? Yeah he's the guy with that hairstyle. He was cut short on the Vegas round and he almost (ALMOST) made it through the top 24 but the judges decided to put Brett Loewenstern through.

Last night Colton decided to lay low and went to the Idol auditions only in support for her sister who also tried out last year. The judges made Schylar bring Colton into the audition room. He was thrown questions by the judges but his answers were mainly "I don't know".

The judges didn't let him get away that easy. They decided to make him sing after his sister's audition. Schylar sang "BREAKEVEN" by The Script and after that Colton sang American Idol season 7 winner David Cook's "PERMANENT".

The judges thought that the two siblings have quite improved since they last saw them and decided to send the both of them to Hollywood. And thus, the sibling rivalry continues.


See Colton's and Schylar's audition here. What do you think, were the judges wrong about not putting Colton in last year's top 24?


10 Top 'American Idol' Game Changers of All Time: Adam Lambert, David Cook, Clay Aiken


With season 11 of Fox's singing competition series upon us, THR picks the defining moments that have stood the test of time.

With American Idol season 11 (!) kicking off tonight, it feels fitting to take a look back at how we got here: to a show anchored by superstar judges and a tireless host, a dream maker and taker and a platform like no other.
Indeed, it’s been a long road that launched with meager beginnings – a makeshift judges’ table and the Texas-sized voice that could: Kelly Clarkson. She set the bar high but plenty have moved it along the way. From the first time a runner-up outsold a winner to the first eye-popping moment when Adam Lambert turned up the heat to 11, Idol has seen many game-changing contestants and performances in its decade on the air. Here, our picks for 10 that stand the test of time:

1. Runner-up Clay Aiken Outsells Winner Ruben Studdard

Season two was all about surprises, but who could have predicted that the fashion-challenged Clay Aiken would not only survive elimination but rise all the way to the top two? On finale night, 24 million votes were cast, but Studdard squeaked through, besting Aiken by just 134,000. Soon after, Idol fans started voting with their wallets, and Aiken’s Measure of a Man CD debuted at no. 1 with 613,000 copies sold in its first week out, easily outselling Studdard’s debut, Soulful, which tallied 400,000. Aiken’s retail victory immediately set a goal and standard for future Idol contestants that didn’t get the celebratory shower of confetti, and it put in place the oft-repeated consolation, “You don’t have to win to be a winner." (Michele Amabile Angermiller)

2. Jennifer Hudson’s Shocking Elimination

If Aiken proved that a runner-up could have bigger post-Idol success than the winner, then Hudson -- a soul belter from Chicago -- showed that coming in seventh place opens doors, too. In Hudson’s case, her short-lived run during season three led to a best supporting actress Oscar for her role as Effie in the 2006 film adaptation of Dreamgirls, and stretched her celebrity status far past the 15 minutes usually designated for fleetingly famous reality stars. While on the show, she wowed with with renditions of Elton John’s “Circle of Life” and Barry Manilow’s “Weekend in New England.” But in the end, the judge favorite in the “battle of the divas” failed to catch on with viewers back home and would lose to LaToya London and Fantasia Barrino, who eventually took home the title. (Erin Carlson)

3. Bo Bice and Constantine Maroulis Rock the Competition

Season Four was a landmark season for many reasons, not the least of which involved spawning a true superstar: Carrie Underwood, but it also introduced rockers into the Idol arena, and the show would never be the same. Finally, women everywhere had yummy, gritty contestants they could sink their teeth into -- Bo Bice, with his stringy hippie-like locks and Southern charm and the ever-smoldering Constantine Maroulis. It was those two men who opened up the doors for future Idols like Chris Daughtry and David Cook, making a competition that could have only attracted boy band types into something more three-dimensional. Seriously, who would have predicted Bice’s rendition of The Allman Brothers’ “Whipping Post” or Maroulis’ abridged “Bohemian Rhapsody” would become legendary Idol performances all these years later? Viva Le Rock! (MA)

4. Taylor Hicks Breaks the Instrument Barrier… With a Harmonica

He was perhaps the most unlikely contestant to take the Idol stage. At 29 years old, Taylor Hicks, a prematurely grey-haired decade-long struggling musician, didn’t have much to lose and everything to gain when he hopped on a plane to Las Vegas and got in line for season 5. Some six months later, he was a national sensation with his own legion of loyal followers (the “Soul Patrol”) and victory within his grasp. But rather than play it safe, Hicks went bonkers, offering audiences soul in the way of Ray Lamontagne’s “Trouble” and the blues, via the first ever instrument played on Idol: Hicks’ harmonica. (Shirley Halperin)

5. Blake Lewis Beat-boxes to Second Place

You have to hand it to Seattle’s Blake Lewis, he was an original. The season six runner-up had an uncanny ability to play with a song and truly make it his own, long before the Idol catch-all phrase overstayed its welcome. Look back at his version of The Zombies’ “Time of the Season” with a beat-boxing twist and it remains one of the most memorable performances to date. He took chances, like when he chose 311’s “All Mixed Up,” a song most people, including the judges, didn’t know, or when he decided to “mess with” the Bon Jovi classic “You Give Love A Bad Name.” It turns out Lewis had killer instinct back then, and thanks to his success on the show, contestants no longer had to fear experimentation. (MA)

6. Vote for the Worst Asserts Its Idol Influence

If you’ve ever wondered (or cursed) how Sanjaya Malakar, the so-so singer with the wacky hair and hot sister, made it to Idol’s top 10, you might want to point the finger at then fledgling website Vote for the Worst. Their campaign to reward the least qualified candidate was never-ending -- even until today -- but it worked especially well on season six, when performances like Sanjaya’s “Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About” left viewers pining for more.  There to feed their fix: VFTW, the endlessly sarcastic, loyalty-free bastion of Idol haterade. (SH)

7. David Cook Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes It Up

Plenty of rockers had graced the Idol stage by the time season 7 came around, but few had the magic formula of being relatable, having vocal confidence and sex appeal. Enter: David Cook, who brought with him a Midwestern sensibility to the biggest singing competition in the world, which is to say, he charmed the pants off America. He also kept viewers guessing. Case in point: what could have been a disastrous stab at Mariah Carey when Cook chose “Always Be My Baby” during the early weeks of the competition -- instead, he slowed it down and gave it a power rock twist. Ditto for Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean,” as inspired by Chris Cornell’s version. Indeed, Cook was an expert at “changing it up” and ever since, scores of contestants have tried to repeat his winning formula, but few have succeeded. (SH)



8. Adam Lambert Turns Idol Up to 11

He was unlike any contestant Idol audiences had ever seen: a makeup-wearing, octave-defying, glam-rocking showman who could wail with the best of them (and did he ever) and hold back when need be, to deliver a nuanced, pitch-perfect performance. Each of Adam Lambert’s season 8 numbers told a story, from the anguish of “Tracks of My Tears” to the cautious optimism of “Black and White,” the haunting “Mad World” and the dramatic “Ring Of Fire,” but more importantly: they entertained. In a truly game-changing act, the show had to learn to keep up with Lambert’s theatricality and in turn introduced more adventurous lighting and effects. It’s a benefit future Idols, like season 10’s James Durbin who was allowed fire for one of his performances, would reap for years to come and just another reason to bow down to Lambert’s Idol throne. (SH)

9. The End of the Simon Era

Season nine marked a milestone in Idol history: it was Simon Cowell’s swan song on the series he helped build into a ratings powerhouse, and which transformed him from an opinionated British record exec into a wildly popular TV troublemaker in America. (His acid-tongued, unsentimental commentary was arguably the most trusted on the judges’ panel.) But after rumored friction with show creator Simon Fuller, Cowell – who appeared increasingly apathetic and checked out -- decided to jump ship and bring The X Factor, his Idol-esque show that began in England, to the U.S. with Abdul on board. By the 2010 finale, Lee DeWyze’s victory over Crystal Bowersox proved unremarkable as watchers wondered what would happen to the franchise once the charismatic Cowell had left the building for good. (EC)

10. New Judges in Season 10

The 2010 exits of Cowell, Kara DioGuardi (whose contract was not renewed) and Ellen DeGeneres (whose much-hyped debut as a judge fell flat) left openings on the panel, and with that, much conjecture on who would fill the coveted judges’ positions. At one point, Jessica Simpson’s name was mentioned as one of the candidates, a possible substitute for ditzy sweetheart Paula Abdul’s persona. But last year, Idol used its pull to lure in A-list talent, Jennifer Lopez and Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler, to join Randy Jackson, the last original judge sitting. Lopez’s industry experience, emotional side and glamorous getups made her reality-TV ready, while viewers never knew what bawdy Tyler was going to do -- or say --next. If the revamped panel missed Cowell’s bite, it certainly made up for it in watercooler gossip. (Sample Tyler contestant feedback: “Shit fire and save matches, f--k a duck and see what hatches.”) (EC)
source: hollywoodreporter.com


'American Idol' fantasy smackdown

One of the best ideas to revive "American Idol" ratings, before producers decided to draft Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler, was to have a season of "Idol All-Stars," with previous winners returning to compete against each other. That was scrapped, reportedly the result of lack of interest from the more successful winners. But what if it actually happened?
Here's how we think the first 10 winners would rank:

1. Kelly Clarkson

The original "Idol" is still the best. She has a distinctive voice that can handle a variety of styles well and is probably still the most likable of the group. So far, none of the winners has a signature hit as potent as "Since U Been Gone."

2. Carrie Underwood

She comes close to Clarkson on nearly every score (and surpasses her on sales). Their battle would result in quite the finale.

3. David Cook

He's the most inventive "Idol," by far, in terms of arranging and rearranging songs for his radio-friendly voice.

4. Fantasia

When she's on, she's hard to beat, and it's hard to match her passion on the right material. However, she should be a way bigger star than she is -- man, is "Bump What Ya Friends Say" ready for a remake -- and somehow doesn't have the connection with fans that she should.

5. Jordin Sparks

The sweetheart of the bunch has a great voice and personality, but is still struggling to find where she fits in the pop scene.

6. Scotty McCreery

"This Big" is destined for big things, as he revives the very specific Garth Brooks-style country star mold.

7. Ruben Studdard

"The Velvet Teddy Bear" is in the midst of a comeback of sorts, tapping into an old-school R&B style with his warm delivery.

8. Kris Allen

He was certainly likable and his Jason Mraz-zy delivery was certainly timely, but he has yet to connect with music fans on a larger scale.

9. Taylor Hicks

His larger-than-life persona and big, unusual voice made him unique, if not necessarily popular.

10. Lee DeWyze

Being a nice guy with a nice voice hasn't quite translated into a big following, despite the huge "Idol" platform.
What do you think?
source: newsday.com

13 Days of Oklahoma Music: David Cook greets “This Loud Morning”



We’re in the final days of 2011, and that means I’m winding down my “13 Days of Oklahoma Music,” a video series looking back at musical milestones reached by recording artists with state ties in the year almost past.
“American Idol” Season 7 winner David Cook, who has Tulsa ties, released his second post-”Idol” album, “This Loud Morning,” in June on 19 Recordings/RCA Records. He returned to Tulsa when he brought his tour in support of the new record to Cain’s Ballroom in October.
“This Loud Morning” marked Cook’s first new album since November 2008, when he released his self-titled major-label debut six months after winning on “Idol.” “David Cook” went platinum.
Executive produced by Matt Serletic (Rob Thomas, Matchbox Twenty, Collective Soul), “This Loud Morning” features tracks written and co-written by Cook along with many acclaimed songwriters including, Tulsa native Ryan Tedder, David Hodges, Johnny Rzeznik, Kevin Griffin and Marti Frederiksen.
Earlier this month, Cook talked about his second album, touring and his onstage persona in an interview with ABC’s “What’s the Buzz”:

video platform video management video solutions video player



source: blog.newsok.com/bamsblog


2011 in Review: The 10 best Idol songs

by Mark Franklin
This is the third part of my look back at the best and worst of American Idol and its imitators in 2011.
Monday, I picked the five best Idol occurrences/moments from the year. Yesterday, I presented the five worst.
Today, my picks for 10 favorite songs from Idols — and just Idols — in 2011.
The only requirement — the songs had to be released in 2011. In other words, songs released as singles in 2010 and included on albums in 2011 didn’t count.
I limited the selections to one song per artist, tried to shy away from the best-known singles (though I’m not sure they would have made the list anyway) and didn’t consider duets Idols recorded for albums released by other artists.
That said, here’s the list, complete with the song in cases where it was available.   Coming tomorrow: My picks for best albums.

1. “We Believe,” David Cook

What a great feel-good song about perseverance, faith and determination, co-written by David. My favorite verse: “Everyone / every single person under the sun / has a moment when they now they’ve won / but until then … ” It’s the standout track on “This Loud Morning.” And I was thrilled to hear it as a Season 11 Idol theme song.


2. “Einstein,” Kelly Clark​son

And this makes for a great kiss-off song. Includes my favorite lines of the year: “I may not be Einstein / but I know / dumb plus dumbs equals you.”  Kelly has a co-writing credit on the tune. Best of all guys — just change a couple words, and you too can sing along.

3. “Gone Too Soon,” Daughtry

Three albums in, this is my favorite ballad yet from Chris and the guys. A heartfelt tune about a child lost to soon. It’s easily my favorite track from the band’s third album, “Break the Spell.” Unfortunately, I can’t find a great quality audio of the song on Youtube, but head to Daughtry’s website, click on the “play music” button and you can listen to it.

4. “Just Cry,” Mandisa

Great ballad from the Season 5 contestant who recently got a Grammy nomination for her third album, “What If We Were Real.” Hard to believe she finished ninth. I could have easily put two or three other songs from the album on this list.

5. “Black Doll,” Siobhan Magnus

Remember Siobhan, Idol’s magnificent screamer from Season 9. She released this tune in early October, just in time for Halloween. And I immediately found myself haunted by that chorus. Different. Catchy. And so Siobhan. Her CD, “Moonbaby,” is supposed to be available for download in January, followed by a physical release something in February.

6. “The Locket,” Lauren Alaina

There are lots of catchy, up-tempo songs on Lauren’s debut album, but this is the track that drew me in the very first time I listened to her album. A tender song about the passing of a locket from grandmother to granddaughter, beautifully performed by Idol’s Season 10 runner-up.

7. “Better Than That,” Scotty McCreery

My only complaint about the Season 10 Idol winner with the voice deeper than his years is that he sometimes sang older than his age. Well, he’s young and fun on this toe-tapping tune. And I get a perverse pleasure out of that fact that he sings about a Chevy truck after starring in all those Ford commercials on the show.

8. “Hotter Without You,” Kimberly Calwell

Hey, Kelly Clarkson doesn’t own the market when it comes to kiss-off songs. There are a couple of great one on Kimberly Caldwell’s long-awaited, much-delayed debut album, “Without Regret,” which was released in April. “Mess of You” is my favorite, but it doesn’t qualify since it was released as a single pre-2011. This one will certainly do in a pinch. You’ll have to head to iTunes or a similar site to listen to a snippet.

9. “Love is a War,” Lacey Brown

There was no way I wasn’t going to include a song from Lacey’s splendid “Let It Go” EP on this list. This might be the quirkiest of the five originals she unveiled in late May. And to think she finished dead last among Idol’s Season 9 finalists. Clearly, she should have been singing her own songs.

10. “Screaming,” James Durbin

I sometimes complained that James screamed too much on Idol. Which strikes me as funny now since “Screaming” is my favorite track on his debut album. It could be his theme song, an anthem for underdogs from the guy who overcame Tourettes and Asperger syndrome. Five artists had a hand in writing it, including James and Season 7 Idol winner David Cook.
source: ydtalk.com/chatter


David made a special appearance at the Mix 94.1 Winter Wonderland event which helped to raise food and money for the City Mission of Las Vegas to help feed the hungry. 

The first ever Mark and Mercedes Winter Wonderland was a huge success. Not only did you help Mix 94.1 raise food and money for the City Mission of Las Vegas to help feed the hungry of Las Vegas, but we also celebrated a huge night of music. 
 We had special acoustic performances from David Cook, Rachel Platten, and Scars on 45 at the Hard Rock Cafe on the Strip.  Before each of the artists took the stage, we went back-stage to catch up with them. Check out the exclusive video interviews here.


Winter Wonderland Lounge: David Cook Meet & Greet
sources: davidcookofficial.com; mix941fm.radio.com (Music Department)

David Cook Donates New Single to Help Girls in Ethiopia

In 2010, David Cook traveled to Ethiopia as part of Idol Gives Back, where he learned about what a struggle it is for girls in those countries to overcome poverty.  Now, he's using his new single to help those girls live better lives.
David is offering a free download of his song "We Believe" to people who donate to the United Nations "Girl Up" program, which works to ensure that Somali refugee girls in Ethiopia are healthy, safe and educated.  The song itself was inspired by David's trip, and he says in a statement, "Going to Ethiopia inspired me to give back through my music, which is why I'm donating a free download...to every person who gives to Girl Up."  People who visit GirlUp.org/donate are encouraged to give at least 25 dollars to receive the song.  Only the first 25,000 people who donate get the song, so don't delay.
"We Believe" appears on David's current album, This Loud Morning.
Copyright 2011 ABC News Radio
--Andrea Dresdale
source: abcnewsradioonline.com


David Cook Joins United Nations Refugee Campaign

Rocker David Cook has thrown his support behind a United Nations charity drive to raise funds for Somali refugees in Ethiopia.
The former American Idol winner traveled to the poverty-stricken African country last year as part of the TV talent show's philanthropy efforts and he was so affected by the experience, he's decided to team up with the UN Foundation's Girl Up campaign.
Cook has offered up a free song download in exchange for $25 donations to the cause, which aims to raise awareness and funds to help Somali girls living in the Jijiga refugee camp.
He says, "As part of Idol Gives Back, I was able to travel to Ethiopia with the United Nations Foundation and witness firsthand how girls are struggling to overcome poverty.
"Going to Ethiopia inspired me to give back through my music, which is why I'm donating a free download of We Believe, a song that was inspired by my trip, to every person who gives to Girl Up."
source: starpulse.com

David records at Sweetwater studio A, Benefiting Local Children's Hospital



Seventh season (2008) American Idol winner David Cook was in Sweetwater's Studio A recently to record an acoustic version of his latest song, "Fade Into Me," for the 6th volume of Majic Miracle Music. It's a compilation CD of tunes recorded in Sweetwater's studios by national recording artists, and sold to benefit Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis! The project is a cooperative venture with Majic 95.1 radio station in Fort Wayne. Enjoy the performance, and to purchase previous volumes of Majic Miracle Music, click here:https://bit.ly/sw_MajicMiracles



#WeBelieve trended #1 WORLDWIDE for @thedavidcook’s birthday!! Happy Belated 29th Rockin’ Birthday David!



Give $26 or more before 12/27 and you'll be entered to win my CD, "This Loud Morning" and I'll sign it! 10 winners.
via Crowdrise


Project Organizer:
Cancer research is a cause that is close to my heart. In May 2009, I lost my 37-year-old brother to a brain tumor that he had been fighting courageously for more than a decade.
The following day, I had planned on running and serving as the Grand Marshal for the 5K Race for Hope in Washington, D.C. to help benefit Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2). I knew my brother would have wanted me to continue this race so I ran that day in honor of him and all of those suffering from cancer. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
Next year, I’ll be running the 2012 Honda LA Marathon for Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure. This will be a challenging race, but one accomplishment I will be incredibly proud of and honored to do.
Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure has awarded over $15 million to fund brain tumor and brain cancer research. They invest in high-risk, high-reward research in each stage of the therapeutic development pipeline. Their Pre-Clinical Screening Program breaks down barriers to entry, their research grants focus on novel therapies, and their investments with companies allow us to bring the most promising treatments to patients quickly.
Please join me in the fight against cancer by supporting ABC2. You can click the DONATE button above. Any amount is appreciated and WILL make a real difference.
Even better, JOIN THE TEAM and help me fundraise. Share your team member page with all of your friends and ask for their support. Let’s make this cause viral. It starts with YOU.
***Also, right now Donate $26 or more before December 27 for a chance win 1 of 10 signed copies of "This Loud Morning."***


Thank you,
source: crowdrise.com/abc2


Happy Birthday, David Cook!

America's seventh Idol, David Cook, turned 29 on December 20th. In honor of David’s 29th birthday today, fans like you donated to his Crowdrise Mozilla Firefox Challenge, which is raising funds for Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure and could win his ABC2 I LA Marathon Fundraising team an additional $25,000! Fans also successfully trended #WeBelieve to No. 1 world wide! Donations today alone exceeded $16,000, bringing total team donations to more than $31,000! Be sure to make your contribution before David pounds the pavement at the LA Marathon on March 18th.
This was a successful year for David, who released his second studio album since his Idol win, This Loud Morning. In its first week of release, the record was at #1 on the Top Internet Release Billboard chart. The first single off This Loud Morning is “The Last Goodbye,” which David performed on a Season 10 results show. View pictures of his performance. David spent October and November of this year on tour with Gavin DeGraw and Carolina Liar.
Happy Birthday, David!
Stay tuned for other big birthdays this week:
Anoop Desai
Jordin Sparks
Ryan Seacrest
Chris Daughtry
David Archuleta
source: americanidol.com

David Cook Finds Peace in Rock and Roll

An interview with David Cook from Tony Frantz on Vimeo.

David Cook has a lighthearted laugh accompanied by a down-to-earth sense of humor and pays tribute to where he comes from. During a recent performance, he surprised the crowd (and possibly his bandmates, too) by launching into a heart-pounding, acoustical rendition of Led Zepplin’s “Rock and Roll” and commented to the crowd that “to not like Led Zepplin is to not understand rock ‘n’ roll. Sorry, ” he laughed, “it’s the truth.”




Surrounded by an entourage of road crew, band mates, managers and security, David Cook graciously handles his frenzied schedule with the peaceful energy of a seasoned professional.
The singer, who was launched to stardom in 2008 when he won American Idol, is firmly grounded in his role on center-stage, extending a personal connection to everyone from VIP greenroom guests to back row skeptics. And as expected from a real rock star, the opening note of the first song creates a mesmerizing trance that only live music can offer. It’s more than a performance, it’s an experience.
Cook’s songs strike a chord of melancholy; his eyes reveal a deep well of emotion. In an interview with Spaces Quarterly, Cook discusses that both the gift and the plight of an artist is to take off the peripherals and expose the world as it really is. Indeed, the songs on his latest album This Loud Morning express both the beauty and pain of a sensitive soul.
In the song “Paper Heart,” he sings, “Let it fall, take it all, ’cause I’m so tired of feelin’ everything. So damn me and my paper heart in this pouring rain”.
Writing music that speaks to so many takes a lot of self reflection and internal focus. Cook explains that he works in “bunches,” experiencing times where he can find inspiration in anything, and that everything he writes is consistent and great.  ”But it comes and it goes”, Cook says. “There are months where nothing I write is good enough”.
Many of his lyrics contain the back story on his life. Cook lost his older brother in 2009 to brain cancer, and the trauma of that loss is expressed beautifully in his song “Permanent,” released on his first album David Cook.
        When all you know seems so far away,
        And everything is temporary, rest your head
        I’m permanent.
        I know he’s living in hell every single day
        And so I ask, Oh God is there some way for me to take his place?
Even with such intense expressions, his new album, This Loud Morning, is musically up-tempo with choruses that grab your attention and pull you into the next song. He starts with a dark vibe and artfully rearranges it in a way that makes you smile.
David Cook has a lighthearted laugh accompanied by a down-to-earth sense of humor and pays tribute to where he comes from. During a recent performance, he surprised the crowd (and possibly his bandmates, too) by launching into a heart-pounding, acoustical rendition of Led Zepplin’s “Rock and Roll” and commented to the crowd that “to not like Led Zepplin is to not understand rock ‘n’ roll. Sorry, ” he laughed, “it’s the truth.”



And exploring the truth, however complicated it may be, is what sets Cook apart. “I try to write in a way that [my music] does what I need it to therapeutically, but also allows people to find something in it for themselves.” As an artist, he finds that this is his purpose. ”I hold no images of grandeur that my music will change the world. I think that coexisting with it is enough.”
source: https://spacesquarterly.com [Colleen Freeland Towner]
Photos and Video by Tony Frantz
Special Thanks to Vera Bradley

David Cook's "We Believe" used on the new promo for AI 2012

Here it is! It's the perfect song! It actually gave me goosebumps :))


The 10 Top-Earning American Idols


1. Carrie Underwood ($20 million)

Buoyed by 83 concert dates in 12 months, the Season Four winner made as much as the rest of the top five Idol earners combined.

2. Daughtry ($6 million, tie)

Though he only finished fourth in Season Five, Chris Daughtry’s eponymous band earned big with 53 dates in support of album Leave This Town.

3. Adam Lambert ($6 million, tie)

Lambert was edged by Kris Allen in Season Eight, but he easily out-earned his rival thanks largely to 116 shows around the world in 12 months.

4. Fantasia Barrino ($4 million)

Season Three’s champ cashed in on new album Back to Me and 38 shows; will star in film Mahalia! later this year.

5. Jordin Sparks ($3 million)

The youngest winner in the show's history, Sparks debuted at age 17 and broke out with "No Air," a duet with Chris Brown that has sold 4 million digital copies to date – making it the best-selling single ever by any American Idol contestant.

6. Kelly Clarkson ($2.5 million)

The first-ever American Idol continues to be a household name, though Clarkson’s earnings dipped from last year’s tour-fueled $11.7 million. Look for a comeback: her fifth album is set for release this fall.

7. Jennifer Hudson ($2 million)

Hudson’s yearly take is a bit low due to a paucity of tour dates, but she remains one of Idol's greatest successes, winning an Oscar in 2006 for her role in Dreamgirls. She recently signed on as spokeswoman for Weight Watchers.

8. Kellie Pickler ($1.8 million)

With nearly 80 shows in the past 12 months, mostly as a supporting act or co-headliner, Pickler is one of the hardest-working Idol alums.

9. Clay Aiken ($1.5 million)

The Raleigh, N.C., native has sold over 4 million albums, penned a New York Times bestselling memoir and starred in Broadway's "Spamalot” in the wake of his second-place finish in Season Two; new album Tried and True hit stores last year.

10. Katharine McPhee ($1 million, tie)

In addition to releasing three albums, the Season Five runner-up has co-starred in series The House Bunny and is set to co-star in NBC’s Smash.

10. David Archuleta ($1 million, tie)

Defeated in Season Seven by David Cook, Archuleta went on to release a self-titled album on Jive records that reached No. 2 on the Billboard charts. His memoir, Chords of Strength, debuted last June.

10. David Cook ($1 million, tie)

Cook has come a long way from tending bar in Tulsa, Okla. four years ago. After winning Season Seven, debut album David Cook went platinum. He also boasts an endorsement deal with Sketchers; his second album, This Loud Morning, was released in June.

Near Misses

Recent contestants Kris Allen, Lee DeWyze, Crystal Bowersox and Season Two champ Ruben Studdard narrowly missed the list this year.


These numbers are based on estimated pretax income earned from May 2010 to May 2011, before subtracting agent and manager fees. The totals were compiled with the help of data from Pollstar, RIAA and others, as well as extensive interviews with industry insiders including managers, concert promoters, publicists, agents and, in some cases, the musicians themselves. For more on the business of music, check out Zack's Jay-Z biography, Empire State of Mind.
source: forbes.com

Watch David at 94.3 The Point's Sound Stage

Last week David got his jersey shore on and visited 94.3 The Point to perform some of his fan favorite tracks, "Fade Into Me", "Come Back to Me", and "The Last Goodbye". Take a look at these intimate performances below! 







David hangs at Vh1 morning buzz

David Cook gave the VH1 Morning Buzz show a visit bright and early on Friday morning and we’ve got all the footage. Want to know the only TV show that David watches on the road? Details on the Fade Into Me music video? Watch his interview below to find out. Then, get an all important update on Hairmageddon – the hair growing competition between David and Vh1’s Jim Shearer! 





Five reasons to LOVE American Idol's David COok

5 reasons to love David Cook


It was David vs. David during the American Idol season seven finale. EvenDavid Cook was convinced that 17-year-old David Archuleta would take the crown, but American surprised everyone and named the rocker, David Cook, the season’s champ. Since his time on American Idol, David Cook isn’t far from the franchise, but is still doing his own thing? Why should you love David Cook if you don’t already, here’s a few reasons why!

1.     Have you heard “Goodbye to the Girl” on his sophomore album, “This Loud Morning.” Few artists today can pull off a power ballad. It has just enough rock and crooning to make any girl melt.

2.     Though David Cook is a “rockstar” he’s much like you and I. In fact, in most interviews he’s so relaxed it’s as if he’s there for some good conversation and coffee (or in this case fig vodka). If you met him walking down the street, there’s no doubt he’d stop, say hi and ask you about the weather.

3.     When he’s not touring, it’s not uncommon to find David Cook fighting for a cure for brain cancer. The American Idol lost his brother, Adam, to brain cancer in 2009 and has since been a big part of “Race for Hope.” He even appeared at the run/walk the day after his brother died.

4.     “This Loud Morning” is the most personal look into the last two years of David Cook’s life. “I got off the road and all the things that happened that I hadn’t been dealing with while I was on the road reared their head,” Cook said via his website. “So as I began writing these songs that would eventually make up This Loud Morning, the act of using these songs as therapeutic outlets became a major release for me, and I think the end result is a bit of up, a bit of down, and a lot of honesty.”

5.     “Fade Into Me” is David Cook’s latest single, and the video is a tour diary itself. In a way, it’s a thanks to the fans who have been there since his American Idol days.


David's little greeting

The video's already viral...

Here is David greeting his Filipino fans and hopefully, he'll see us soon!



'American Idol' David Cook still comes through loud and clear

David Cook won "American Idol" back in 2008, when the musical star-creating juggernaut provided a fan base of millions for the top 12 finalists.
Perhaps as a result, when Cook looks out from the stage on his almost continual tours, he sees ... well, just about everybody.
"My management was telling me that there was a research study on the age demographic and our demographic was actually like 18 to 60-plus," Cook says in a phone call from Fort Wayne, Ind., during a pause on the current leg of his tour, which started in October and will run through December. "We do get all kinds of fans."
Recently he saw "this ridiculously tall guy in the crowd," whose face was visible because he towered above everyone else. The man "was singing all the words to the songs, so I thought that was awesome," says Cook, sounding delighted, and, it must be noted, modestly surprised.
Cook, who turns 29 this month, hopes to see the usual wide variety of folks when he and his band take the stage at 8 tonight in Rapids Theatre in Niagara Falls, when they will treat fans to "a mix of the last record and the new one." That would be tunes from his self-titled debut commercial album, released in 2008, which featured the platinum-selling "Light On" and "Time of My Life," and from his new album, "This Loud Morning." The hottest tune on the new album is "Fade Into Me," which was featured on an episode of "So You Think You Can Dance" and has gotten close to a million and a half hits since it was posted on his official YouTube channel Nov. 1.
The "Fade Into Me" video features a mix of concert footage filmed in Columbus, St. Louis and Tulsa, and gritty urban vignettes shot in St. Louis. The tune starts with languid acoustic guitar setting off Cook's slightly husky soft-rock vocals, then picks up tempo and intensity.
Cook's band includes three guitars, bass and drums. "My bass player and my rhythm guitar player are both guys I've known for a long time," Cook says. "I met them when I was doing the do-it-yourself approach with my band in K.C. and later in Tulsa," before he attended an "American Idol" audition to support his younger brother, who didn't go too far. "They are great guys and I'm really happy to have them out. My drummer and lead guitar player are guys we found through the audition process in Los Angeles."
In addition to his original tunes, Cook says, "We try to do one cover a night, to keep it fun not only for the audience but for us as a band. We have a Zeppelin cover, we do 'Rock and Roll,' we do Nine Inch Nails, 'The Hand that Feeds,' we do Billy Joel's 'Movin Out (Anthony's Song),' we do 'Stockholm Syndrome' by Muse."
A highlight of each concert is the soaring, romantic tune "Declaration," which was written in three cities -- surprisingly, one of them Buffalo, where Cook came to work with Johnny Rzeznik, a co-writer of the song with Cook and Gregg Wattenberg.
"We started 'Declaration' in Buffalo and we finished it maybe two months later in L.A.," Cook says. "I think we did a little work on it in New York, too. That song was a process." His experience with Rzeznik was excellent, Cook says: "He's good people."
But his time spent in Buffalo was all work and no performing. When he visited again in March 2009 to do a concert at the Seneca Niagara Casino, he still didn't get to Niagara Falls -- "honestly, I haven't seen it, we never had a chance," he says ruefully -- but hopes to make a visit on this trip.
Cook has always enjoyed traveling, and the allure of the touring lifestyle has not dulled. "I love to travel; it's something I've always enjoyed and the fact that I get to do it for a living is cake," he says.
He also enjoys interacting with fans, especially those who share with him the effect of his music.
"My favorite things about all this is when a fan will come up to me and tell me that my song helped them through their parents' divorce or something, and even though that song had nothing to do with that [situation], it's awesome that they got that out of the song," he says, sounding slightly amazed.
"I mean, I could have written that song about a ... a cherry turnover!" He laughs for an instant, then continues on: "And I think that's the amazing thing about music -- it isn't an opinionated medium, it is open to interpretation. Embracing that really helps me a lot.
"I think musically I couldn't do this if I wasn't getting something out of it emotionally," he says. "Writing for me is very therapeutic, but I also try to write ambiguously enough so I get what I need out of it but somebody else could listen to that song and get something out of it for themselves. That's always the goal that I have in mind.
"I don't purposely go into a writing session thinking, 'OK, what can I talk about that everybody will understand?' I don't necessarily think on that plane. Part of it is that I just think, 'Look, everybody goes through certain experiences, love and loss and things like that,' and especially with this new record, that's where I pulled a lot of inspiration from, and getting that audience feedback has been validating, not necessarily for myself, but for the record."
Cook did not get a chance to watch much of the 2009 or 2010 seasons of "Idol," he says, "purely because of being out on the road. But this last year I was in one spot because we are working on a new record, so I got a chance to watch. I thought it was a great year; I thought the talent was really eclectic. And the proof is in the pudding -- now you are starting to see all these records come out from the season, and they're all good records. I got to work with James Durbin, I [co-wrote] a track on his new record, a song called 'Screaming.' I think a lot of talent has come out of the season, and you can't go wrong with Steven Tyler. The trend continues!"
But the days of top-rated TV weekly sink-or-swim competitions are over for Cook. Now he's relaxed into a routine that allows him to enjoy his concerts and share the experience with his fans.
"If you come out and watch our show, there's no pretense," he says. "You're going to see a band on stage enjoying what they do, and really working hard to make sure that you guys enjoy it, too. That's just what our vibe is about. There's no production. We go on stage and we make noise, we crack jokes and we have a good time, and those are the kinds of shows I love to play."
source: buffalonews.com

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27/07/2012 17:07


16/07/2012 16:54


Music review: Rockin' hunk David Cook keeps things honest in his Manila concert Text and Photos by: Alina R. Co   It was already nine o’ clock and Smart-Araneta Coliseum throbbed with anticipation.   “Ladies and gentlemen,” the voice-over said as the fans started screaming....
15/07/2012 20:16


David Cook Live in Manila 2012 Concert Aftermath       David Cook Live in Manila 2012 July 14, 2012 Smart Araneta Coliseum.   Here's the aftermath of the show:   Front-act: VFort(8:00pm to 8:30pm)   David Cook set:(9:20pm) •...
15/07/2012 20:06


David Cook holds successful concert at Araneta   'Idol' champ impressed with Jessica Sanchez   MANILA, Philippines – “American Idol” season 7 winner David Cook held a successful concert at the Araneta Coliseum on Saturday.   Thousands of Cook’s fans trooped to the Big...
14/07/2012 17:19


David Cook On First Manila Visit: ‘I Almost Got Force-Fed Balut’   David Cook, “American Idol” Season 7 champ, has a lot of fond memories of his first Manila visit.   “Ah, I almost got force-fed balut, which was fun,” he tells Bulletin Entertainment with a smile during the...
13/07/2012 20:42


DAVID COOK EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW! by Jeman Villanueva  July 13, 2012 - 3:07 pm   David Cook is here in Manila for a series of concert and we had chance to interview the American Idol Season 7 grand winner.   Here’s our EXCLUSIVE interview with David...
08/07/2012 11:40


What's Cooking, David? CONVERSATIONS With Ricky Lo The Philippine Star Updated July 08, 2012 12:00 AM   When David Cook, winner of the American Idol seventh season, was here in 2009 for a back-to-back concert with his namesake, David Archuleta (also the AI runner-up that same season),...
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Sophisticated Lyrics Show David Cook’s Not Just an ‘Idol’ Star Katrin Figge | June 27, 2012   American rock singer David Cook, who will perform in Jakarta on July 17, was hardly a music-industry rookie when he became a contestant in the seventh season of “American...
20/06/2012 06:54

David Cook and Haley Reinhart to Play in Celeb Softball Game

David Cook and Haley Reinhart to Play in Celeb Softball Game Season 7 winner David Cook and Season 10 star Haley Reinhart join Major League Baseball on July 9 for the Taco Bell All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game, which features MLB legends taking the field with top celebrities....
20/06/2012 06:48

David Cook, Chord Overstreet, Haley Reinhart & More to Play Celebrity Softball Game

David Cook, Chord Overstreet, Haley Reinhart & More to Play Celebrity Softball Game   American Idol alums, Haley Reinhart and David Cook, Glee Star Chord Overstreet and many more celebrities from  the music, TV and sports worlds will be suiting up to play in the Taco Bell All...

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